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I was on the verge of losing consciousness in the morning when Uncle Hashim found me lying in the pool of vomit. I couldn't comprehend what he was saying or how he managed to take me to the hospital. The doctors gave me the emergency care that I needed and admitted me.  I lay there for what seemed like forever before he finally came back with food. I couldn't eat much and he didn't insist that I should finish off the food.

"Sannu, may Allah grant you shifaa" he finally spoke. I didn't have the energy to speak so I nodded in appreciation for his kindness, a part of me hating him for not letting me die. At least I will find reprieve and finally meet my parents there.  After a while he excused himself saying he has things to take care of that I should rest. I slept afterwards like a log of wood because the bed is more comfortable than the shabby mattress am sleeping in, the atmosphere is more serene and the fact that my body and mind needed the rest more than anything. I was discharged at night and we went back home in a tricycle in silence.

"Assalamu alaikum" I uttered under my breath as we entered the house which is surprisingly quite.

"Go to your room Fatima, I left some food for you. Make sure you eat and rest" uncle instructed before I could ask of Zulai's whereabout.

I didn't realize that Zulai is not in the house until the next day after I came back from school. Uncle asked if I can cook and I answered in the affirmative so he bought some vegetables and asked me to make lunch and dinner and that I should be taking care of the house from now onwards. I wanted to ask about her but I was secretly happy that she's no longer there to torment me. I made it a routine to wake up early in the morning, make breakfast and prepare for lunch before going to school after which I will come back and make lunch, clean the house, fetch water and then wash my only pair of uniform against the next day after which I will take some rest before making dinner. Even though uncle Hashim never compliment my cooking or hardwork, I can feel that he's pleased with me and that's more than enough. We spent almost 3 months alone in the house in companionable silence speaking only when it is necessary. I got enrolled in a nearby Islamiyyah making me busier than I was before but I can't complain, I am getting more than my worthless self deserves.

Being the jovial person that I am, I started making friends in the neighborhood.  I made a close friend Firdausi who lives two houses away from uncle's house and she told me that Zulai had a squabble with uncle Hashim on the day I was admitted which led her to leave the house saying he should choose me or her. I was shocked to hear that uncle chose me over his own wife but then, it's not like she's a good wife, she treats him like her own son or slave. I was sad to be the cause of it all but it really wasn't my fault. I didn't do anything to deserve the way she almost starved me to death simply because I wanted to have an education like any other child out there.

Life goes on, some days better than the others while some days are filled with challenges and hurdles but I kept moving on with Du'as on my lips and patience in my heart knowing that Allah will never burden me with more than I can bear. Firdausi started visiting me frequently, she spend most afternoons in our house telling  me things about everyone in the neighborhood that I don't want to hear.  I noticed that she is a blabber mouth who badmouths everyone but her family, she's also lazy and  clumsy. I started telling her to take life easy, to stop judging people without being in their shoes and that if someone is doing something bad she's not to give a verdict that they are bad but try and understand them, put herself in their shoes then choose either to pray for them or advice them in hopes that they will thread the right path. She listened with disinterest and I shook my head in annoyance, hoping that someday she will understand me and follow my advice.

Zulai came back a year later without notice. My heart started beating fast the moment she set foot in the house because I was home alone. Uncle Hisham travelled to another town for a wedding Fatiha and he won't be back until the next day. I asked Firdausi's mother to let her stay with me for the night and she obliged but she's yet to arrive when Zulai came in.

"Good evening Aunty. Welcome back" I managed to squeak out even though my heart is about to burst out of my chest out of fear. Her reply came in form of a blinding slap that sent me tumbling backwards.

"Get ready for the hell am going to unleash in this house. You're too small to send me out of my marital home for this long. I've come prepared for you both and the useless man am unfortunate to call my husband. If you're using jazz know that mine surpassed yours in folds. Let me see who will send me out of this house again. Am here to stay for life and only my corpse will leave this house, that too after I've made sure I've reduced you to nothing" she thundered, venom dripping from her voice.

I was too dazed to say anything. Even if I wasn't shocked, I knew that I have nothing to say to the devilish soul towering over me. I started reciting Allahumma ajirnee fi musibatee wa akhlifnee khairan minha over and over again.  She hissed out loud and stormed into her room after giving the house a once over. I managed to go to my room praying that Firdausi will not come back knowing that she will be the first to break the news to anyone that is willing to listen that Zulai Mai kosai (Beans cake) is back to torment the poor Fatima the orphan who has nowhere to go but her uncle's house.

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Thank you and God bless 🤗

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