The Starting Point

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     Her heart raced, she was unsure of what to do. Her mouth began to go dry with the words she was going to say, sitting like saltine crackers, absorbing all moisture. The mouth-watering smell of the chicken noodle soup in the lunch room called to her. The clanking of bowls and spoons beckoned her to join her fellow students. The happy chatter, with the occasional giggle, told her to laugh along. What she was doing, was more important to Yuki than any of that. Over in the far corner, he was slouched against the wall, green eyes shining as he read some mysterious book that Yuki could not see. She could now hear her own heartbeat. As the world seemed to slow she feared he could hear the rapid sound that came from her chest. He looked up as if knowing she was there, she felt her face grow hot. The green eyed boy looked away and went back to the mysterious book in his hand.

     Last year Yuki had given a letter to a different boy, A tall and handsome young man. He had a 5 o'clock shadow, and hair the color of Gold. Yuki walked up and looked at this tall and handsome young man standing in front of her. She could smell his strong axe and wondered what his answer would be. Her hands were shaking as he took the letter and gave her a cool stare. Yuki's breath slowed. His deep sea blue eyes looked directly into her vibrant sky blue ones and he ripped the paper, a small smirk on his face. The sound of the ripping lingering in the air as he walked away. His deep and rough laugh echoing down the hallway as he left. Yuki could no longer stand, and fell to the ground, salty tears running down her face, causing her makeup to run down in a long black and purple streaks.

Yuki shook her head, to rid herself of the horrid memory, that wouldn't happen this time. Her legs moved on, her hands began to shake as she thought over the different outcomes. If he were to say yes, then she would be too overjoyed to Speak. Too happy to let a stupid smile leave her face. But if he were to say no, then she would be crushed, able to taste the earthy taste that came with being heartbroken, she hated that taste.

She stepped toward him barely breathing. In. Out. In. Out. She could now smell his light cologne. Her once light outfit suddenly felt as heavy as lead. Her flats were cement blocks, she could not move. She could not breathe. She could not speak.the green eyed boy was talking to the girl Yuki disposed of the most in all the world. The other girl's hair swayed as she talked, the coal color catching the light. The shining of the other girl's hair almost blinded the already unable to move Yuki.

Yuki tries to move, first, she tried to lift her right foot. Pulling up, up, up. Nothing. She tried the left, lifting her foot up, up, up. Yet again her body refused to move. What was she to do? The boy she loved was talking to her arch rival.

Green eyes looked up and met with sky blue. Yuki's face flushed with the darkest of Crimson colors. The boy bid farewell the girl with the coal black hair, she fumed! Storming off her blue dress flowed like a river behind her. Yuki could finally move but all that happened was that she fell to her knees unable to process what had just happened. Tears began to swell as her sky blue eyes took on a more threatening color.

A hand rested on her shoulder, she had thought it was her friend Shawn. She began to weep letting the tears come freely. Her makeup ran down staining her red cheeks with black. She shook her head back and forth as if to block out what had just happened. She let the letter fall, there was no use for it, it was obvious that the boy she liked was dating her enemy.

She cried, and cried, cried until the hand left her shoulder. Cried until the bell rang and everyone went to class. The tears stopped and she went to the office to ask if she would leave for the day. Her head felt as if it was being run over by a madman in a monster truck whose tires were made out of knives and swords. The office lady, a woman whose eyes held wisdom and kindness. Smiled at Yuki and told her to call her mother to come and get her. The older women had light brown hair that was fading to gray in a few areas. Today she had chosen to wear a bright yellow shirt with a golden shawl and some gold earrings. Yuki could not see the older women's pants but she assumed she had chosen black today.

Yuki wanted no more than 15 minutes for her mother. She would see the old van pulling up to the high school, and pointed out the car to the office lady. The older woman let Yuki leave the school. To never turn back. It was Friday so Yuki was not required to come back until Monday. Her family had planned this weekend though and weren't going to be back until Wednesday. Yuki climbed into the car and her mother drove her home in peaceful silence.

Once home Yuki's mother gave her an excedrin, then sent her daughter down to her room to calm herself and to be away from her mother as she had cooking to do. So Yuki slowly drug her heavy feet over to the stairs. THUD. THUD. THUD. Her feet hit the stairs with no mercy, Creeeeke, the old stair grounded with her weight. The darkness of her basement surrounded her. She took a deep breath in. Yes, this is where she will stay, keep her heart locked away.

Down the hallway, past the doors, she shuffled her feet. The cold carpet ticketing her toes as she went, at the end of the hall she opened the door that read, "no boys" and "princess parking only all others will be toad". With a heavy sigh, she opened the door, the cold metal draining the life from her hand.

She didn't even bother with the lights, CLICK. She shuts her door. Her bed is now her only goal, new tears run down. She clings to her teddy bear. It's golden fur turning black with the smeared makeup. The faint sounds of her mother cooking are she hears as she falls asleep. Hoping that things will be better someday.

Heart beats <3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz