Third Part

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Let me sleep. Rescue me from the cliff

Hides underneath blanket
tears are free
This was always the plot of that
unknown story
Unsaid feelings lie together
with the stars
Slept every night with unnoticed
It's past midnight face still
wet from miseries
Even every corners of room wants
that memories—
To vanish.
To be left behind.
To wash-out.
To wipe-out.
Wants it to be gone.
Like a dandelion adrift in the air
by the wind from shaking hands.
Shivering thoughts always
come out,
Like a mystery brought by the
chilly night.
The beauty isn't visible,
Gone with words and so as
my soul.
Always been a replay, a rewind
like a refrain from song
Like a familiar pleading tone.
Please let me sleep—
Stop drowning me in deep.
Pull me up from the edge!
Pull me up from the edge!
I don't want that cliff—
Again and again I'm falling
for you hard and deep,
Hold my hand through the winds
passing my windows
So I would forget the silence
of rejections and sorrows.

Words Underneath Her HeartWhere stories live. Discover now