😭When he cries😭

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Boyfriend: (this was the hardest)
he cried when this gang of rappers threatened him and started saying hurtful things. It got to him and you didn't think it would. However he didn't cry in front of them he started strong until you were alone.

Senpai: Fucking school bullies He was crying because those damned kids were making fun of him and humiliating him all because he was gay. Usually he wouldn't care but today he was just emotional. You comforted him and gave him forehead kisses.

Ruv: No words were spoken. His emotions expressed it all. He was just so all over the place and stressed that he didn't know how else to express it. You saw him sitting in the corner of your bed with his hat covering his face. although his hat was in the way you could his lips were quivering as he tried not to cry. You just went over to hug him and running your fingers through his hair as he hugged you back letting it all out.

Selever: You caught him crying when you went to find him. You asked Rasazy where he was and she shook her head and pointed inside the Church. You saw him and asked him what was wrong. He was crying because he just wants to meet his parents and make his little sister happy. You knew that's why he was upset because when you saw him crying I'm the church of the parralell universe he made. You didn't say anything you just let him cry into your shoulder.

Agoti: ok this one is gonna be long because this is based off of a true story. This happened to my friend and well since Agoti is adopted too just like her I decided to use this for his scenerio.
(I didn't realize I didn't finish- this one had to update this shit 3 times because I kept forgetting stuff) after you two broke out void his fans came crawling back. everytime he was seen in public whether or not it was with you they would come up. It just so happened today a hater pretended to be a fan they came up to you and Agoti with his phone in his hand. He seemed to be recording a video. You couldn't see very well since you were in the in the line for Auntie Annie's getting you and Agoti some sweet/salty pretzels. "Oh hi there" Agoti said. "I'm a really big fan of yours! "Oh really I'm honered" Agoti said "hey can I ask you a question?" He asked moving the camera to Agoti's face. Agoti backed up a little, "Yeah sure what is it buddy" agoti said. "So how does it feel to not have any parents?" Said the boy. You heard this and saw Agoti's face change immediately and you quickly grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him away as the boy ran away laughing. Since he is adopted it hit him hard he knew he didn't have any real parents. He pulled his hoodie over his head and looked down. You were pissed but you wanted to make sure Agoti was okay first. He was silent the whole time and when you got home you could see films running down his face. (A.G.O.T.I. cries VHS films instead of actual tears. ) He started yelling out of sadness and anger. good thing Solazar wasn't home. "HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE EVEN KNOW THAT!?" "DAMNIT!" "NOW THE WHOLE WORLD'S GONNA KNOW!" You told him not to worry about that one boy and that he's a dumbass. It didn't take long for him recover. Plus on the bright side he was glad to have Solazar as his father.

Garcello: It was honestly heart breaking. He cried because he feels like he's in the way all the time cuz he can't really do much. You do everything for him and he doesn't like it. He bottled up those emotions and let them all out at once. When you saw him crying you tried everything in your power to cheer him up. You hugged him and told him that he wasn't in the way and you apologized for making him feel that way.

CJ: You would think he'd have nothing to be upset about but he over-heard some people from school talking about your relationship. They were saying that he shouldn't be with you and that he's making himself and his band look bad and that he was just using you. When you found him crying you hugged him and he told you what happened. You took his mind off of it by cuddling with him.

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