Ch. 3

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                                                    Kameron POV 

It has been a few days since Wade took me from that facility, I don't talk too much only because I'm deciding if I can trust him and Vanessa, 

I mean sure they took me in, took care of me, but all that could be an act right? 

I mean sure me and Wade sit on the couch watching cartoons oddly enough he likes cartoons, but again there is that doubt in the back of my mind, 

I was currently sitting on the couch with the blanket Vanessa gave me, yeah i have to sleep on the couch because oddly enough this is a one room apartment, 

I closed my eyes thinking how I even got here, 

You see about two years ago, I got sick, really sick, something Doctors couldn't quite understand, my cells were weak, causing me to be weak and sick all the time, soon enough my organs started shutting down, 

But then this man came to my parents with a solution, telling them he had friends in high places that he could take care of all the bills and all they had to do is hand me over, and he and his friends would cure me, 

My parents didn't even hesitate, I'm sure they were tired of taking care of a highly sick child all the time, 

But then I knew things were only going to get worse, when I set foot into the place Wade found me, 

The sheer pain and agony I had to go through it was awful, 

"Hey little mouse why looking so glum?" Wade said walking in the room

I just shrugged, 

"You know you really need to start talking I'm starting to get a complex," He said sitting next to me on the couch, 

"You hungry, I mean it is a little after noon I can make peanut butter and jelly? you like that right kids like PB and J right?" He said 

"I can't allergic to nuts," I mumbled 

He gasped 

"You talked to me," He said dramatically 

I looked away, 

"Hey no that's a good thing," He said 

"Alright no nuts, hmm, breakfast for lunch hows that sound?" He said smiling at me 

I nodded, 

"Great," He said standing up and walking into the kitchen, 

I hesitantly got off the couch and followed him, 

He smiled at me, 

Just as he was making food there was banging on the door, which startled me, which resulted in me using the ability I gained 

You see I can literally turn invisible and phase through objects, 

Wade's eyes widen seeing I just disappeared, 

"Uh, little mouse?" He said 

He felt where I was standing a second ago resulting in him patting my head, his eyes wide, 

"Okay just making sure I'm not going crazy, this explains things," He mumbled, 

He went and got the door, a large man with metal all around him walked in, and a teenager, 

"Colossus Teenage Warhead," Wade said 

"What was so important," Teenage warhead, 

"Well you see.." Wade trailed off,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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