゚°☆𝟎𝟎𝟏☆° ゚

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"Goodmorning my sweet Angel!~" A white haired male waltzed into the kitchen, pouring cat food into a bowl.


The male smiles warmly, petting his beloved cat before getting out the ingredients for his breakfast.

He easily prepared himself an omelet and bacon. The male ties his long white locks into a messy bun before setting his food on the table before him.

He glanced at his cat and couldn't help but smile. She was the only one he cared for in this crule and messed up world.

As he munched on his breakfast, he thought of the day he first met Angel. The cat was a birthday gift from his mother, who he truly loved.

He sighed, looking at his empty plate as he twirled a loose stand of hair between his fingers.


He broke from his trancelike mood and lookes down at the white cat as she rubbed her body against his leg, purring.

"What is it bub?~" He cracked a smile, lifting her up.


"Was your breakfast good?~" He stood up and walked over towards the couch, sitting himself down.

*knock, knock*

"Seriously?! I just sat down!" He huffed, placing his cat down before making his way to the front door and aggressively opening it.

"YOUNG Y/N! I AM HERE!" The white haired male cringed at the sight of the pro hero, AllMight himself.

"Ah- come on in." He forced a smile and closed the door behind him.

"You are aware that you didn't have to come in that form, right?" Y/n spoke as he leaned against the door.

"Well whats the fun in that?-" All Might responded before clearing his throat.

"Anyways! Im here to tell you that you have been given the opportunity to join the staff if U.A highschool!" He cheers enthusiastically.


"Don't you think it's better than just working as a part time hero? The pay us rather good too!" He continues.

"Isn't that a little too much?-" Y/n look at the blonde hero and raised an eyebrow, confused onto why he'd be given that role involuntary.

"I just barely became an adult and now im being chosen as a U.A teacher?-" He looks at him, perplexed.

"I reccomend you! You'll do great!" He cheers once again, very very enthusiastically.

Y/n stares at him in disbelief, THE AllMight reccomend Y/n as a teacher in U.A and they all somehow thought it was a good idea to have an amateur hero teach?

"Agh- What am I teaching?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Self defense and fighting techniques.(IDK-)" Y/n bit the inside of his cheek.

"The pay is good..." He mumbled before sighing.

"Im in- When do I start?-"

* * *

"My Angel, I'll be back in about 2-3 hours okay?~"

"Okay, I love you!~" The white haired male locks the front door and walks upstairs to the roof of his apartment building.

"What should we do today?" Y/n stretches his arms and legs.

"It'll probably be my last day to do something like this." He sighs and checks his phone.

No notifications. Y/n huffed and made his way to a much taller building. He continued until he made it to one of his favorite spots.

He sat down at the edge of the roof before realization hit him like a brick.

He had nothing to do to relieve his pain and stress.

"I haven't been able to act up ever since AllMight appeared." Y/n groans in frustration.

Y/n Yashida. That's the name of the white haired male. He had just turned 18 and suddenly all of his safe places and stress relievers were tooken away from him. Everything. He was forced into something he never wanted to do or play a role in at a young age.

He was gifted with what people called 'quirks' and once those little sparks of fire appeared out from his tiny fingers, was exactly when his life was ruined.

"FUCK YOU DAD!" He yelled and a single tear drop fell from his face.

He was the cause of all of his pain and suffering. Training. Training and more training. His father was the source of his grief. He was the only one among his older brothers who endured the pain, because he was special.

"Special, my ass." Y/n stood up.

"Guess im still haunted by that darned old man." Y/n sighed, staying on the edge as he turns around, ready to fall.

He yawns and lets his body weight take care of the falling. His feet soon left the hard concrete and there he was, he was falling.


Hello- I finished rewriting this chapter rather quickly than i had expected-

Just going to fill some of you all in with your info:

Just going to fill some of you all in with your info:

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Name: Y/n Yashida
Age: 18 y/o
Gender: Male
D.O.B: June 12
Bloodtype: -AB


White Ignition:

Description: Grants the ability to generate highly destructive white flames from his body. He has very well-developed control of his flames and can project them a fair distance from himself and in large amounts.

Drawbacks: When using his quirk for long durations of times he gets nauseous and tired easily after use, and will most likely faintly and get into a short timed coma depending on how much strength and his overall condition.


Description: Grants the ability to regenerate any sort of injuries on the user's body, such as missing limbs, at incredible speeds.

Drawbacks: when heal injuries that are already in a state of regeneration and is interrupted then said process will be ruined.

Alright! I changed it up a bit due to my lacking experience-
I hope you enjoyed <3


(959 words)

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