"You called me babe" he says getting out of the car.

I called him babe.

"You have a problem with it?" I ask in the same tone he asked me when he asked if there was something wrong with going to the ice skating ring.

"I mean- I- no" he says all flustered.

"That's what I thought, babe" I say walking away.

Not again.

Too late to recover now.

I go into the ice ring waiting for him to finally catch up to me.

I haven't been in here in ages.

"So.... What made you chose the ice ring?" I ask as we were waiting in line to pay for our entrance and our shoes.

Hayden smiles over at me. "I used to play hockey and this is the closest there is to it. Plus i know how it can be stressful to get accustomed after graduating. it can be a stress reliever for both of us." He finally says looking around.

I stare at him longer and that's when I finally noticed something. The tip of his ears are turning red.

So he doesn't blush as much but his ear tips turn red.


Soon enough we were already paying for our shoes and for our entrance to the ice ring.

Looking around I expected less people but it was alright. Not too packed but just enough people.

"Do you know how to ice skate?" Hayden ask and I smile over at him.

"Of course I do" I say putting on the ice skating shoes.

He gives me a side look as if to say that I'm playing a round to which I roll my eyes at.

"Watch me and you'll see how good I am at this" I say in total confidence.

"Just don't try to out do yourself" He says still not sounding confident about my skills in the ring.

Putting on my last pair I get up and walk to the ice skating ring.


I should have thought about this before hand but I'm just realizing now that I haven't done this since I was 13.

I hold out to the walls until I look up to Hayden and see him not trying to laugh at me as I got into the ice ring.

Turning away from him embarrassed I take a deep breath and try to go.

As soon as I got the hang of it I turn back to look at him with a smile that says 'see I can do this'.

I see him smiling at me and that's when I turn again to the direction I was going to and collide with a huge muscular build.

God damn that hurt.

It felt as if I was just tackled by a football player.

I sit up to see a very large, muscular guy, on the ground groaning in pain.

The Trouble Next Door (Book #3) Where stories live. Discover now