"It's not just the regs on Kaller," Hunter started, "all the clones are acting strange."

"Let's test that theory" Tech suggested, "excuse me trooper, which division are you from?" Tech asked another clone.

"Step aside" was all the trooper responded with, pushing Tech aside.

"Oh, well they seem the same to me" Tech concluded. They all came back to their room, closing the door behind all of them.

"Ah, it's good to be back" said Wrecker as he pulled out his knife, "welp, I'll get the board" he started making little tally marks on the wall.

"Eleven more successful missions," he declared, "ha! Like there was any doubt."

"Kaller wasn't a win" Echo objected.

"Says who?" Wrecker countered back, "we completed our objective" he said happily.

"Not all of the objectives" Crosshair coldly commented, he turned to face Hunter, whom was turned away from Crosshair with his fist under his chin with a look on his face, "Hunter let that Jedi kid escape. Or do you want to keep lying to us?" Hunter stood up and walked to the window looking out it.

"I don't like to think of executing our commanders as a mission objective."

"An order is an order."

"Since when?" Both Hunter and Crosshair had scowls on their faces at each other. The tension continued to rise between the two brothers.

"None of this makes sense," Echo said, "those clones served aside General Billaba for years. How could they turn on her like that?" he asked with a hint of anger in his voice, banging his closed fist on the table he sat at.

"It's because of the regs programming" Tech mentioned casually.

"What programming?" Hunter seriously questioned.

"It's been well documented that the Kaminoans inhibited the cognitive functions if clone to engineer them to follow orders without question."

"Ha! Well we sure don't!" Wrecker explained throwing his arm around Crosshair's shoulders, who then pushed Wrecker off in an annoyed matter only to him start pushing his little stuffed animal in Crosshair's face.

'Grow up Wrecker' he thought, just showing his way past him.

"Well obviously we are different Wrecker" Tech continued, "they manipulated preexisting aberrations in our DNA resulting in your brute strength, Crosshair's sharpshooting skills, Hunters enhanced senses and my exceptional mind. My guess is we are immune to the effects of the programming. Though I can't be 100% certain if it."

"Well what about Echo? He was a reg before he joined us" Hunter said.

"Yeah, if all regs were programmed how come I didn't react like the others?"

"The damage you received on Skako Minor most likely wiped out all of your present behavioral modifications. You are more machine than man, percentage wise at least" Tech answered.

An announcement over the intercom sounded again for the upcoming meeting starting soon.

"Let's get going boys" said Hunter, "this is one meeting I don't want to miss."

All of the clones in the facility were gathered for the meeting, watching and listening to a huge hologram of the Emperor giving his speech.

"And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled" he continued, "the remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed. But I assure you my resolve had never been stronger. In order to ensure the security and continuing stability....." as the speech continued something triggered Hunters senses. He felt someone watching them.  Turning around a little more towards the back of the room Hunter found a small girl watching them. She kept herself less noticeable in the corner of the room, watching the batchers curiously. Hunter just looked back at her.

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