Part 7

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I woke up in a surprisingly good mood about a week later. I got to school and walked to the atrium to meet with Devon, Kara, and a few other of my friends. The day seemed to be going by rather quickly. Then it was lunch. I always really liked lunch because I had it with Devon, Kara, and Rachel. I also had lunch with Jeremy and Christian, two guys that we liked to bother. Kara and I walked over to Jeremy and Christian's table and sat down around them. I took pictures with Jeremy as she interviewed Christian about whether he was a Christian or not. He said that he changes religion every day and on Fridays, he's Mormon. Lunch ended and I went back to English to learn about short stories. Micaela & CJ were sitting by the windows arguing, Chelle was screaming about nonsense to herself, the two other groups of girls were off doing their own thing, the boys were trying to get work done, and Anthony and I were awkwardly in the middle of it all. We ignored the work completely and just started ranting about people we hate. That brought us to the end of the class so I put my folder back into my backpack and walked to global. I wonder what Dan-Mr. Martin is going to make us do today. I hope it's nothing with partners like yesterday. I don't want to work with Jason and get all red and be made fun of. The class started and Mr. Martin introduced what we were going to be doing. 

"Okay so you guys are gonna read an article on government systems."

"With part-"

"No, Mike, no partners." Mr. Martin handed out the articles and everyone started reading. I was about half way through the second page when I stopped reading. I felt like everyone was watching me, Jason especially. I looked to my right and saw that that entire side was still reading. I turned back to the front of the room and stared down at the packet. "A monarchy is when a country is ruled by a king or-" I couldn't keep reading. I couldn't stop thinking. Jason hates you. He thinks your disgusting. He thinks you're fat. He doesn't want to even be near you. Stop trying to talk to him. You'll just annoy him. You don't even fucking matter to him. He wouldn't care if you were dead. No one loves fat girls. You're fat AND ugly. Two things guys don't want. You have no chance with him. He only likes pretty girls. Ones without glasses, braces, acne, fat, imperfections. You don't matter to him. You don't matter to the one person who means the world to you. Give up. No one will ever love you. You're fucking worthless. I started breathing a little faster. My heart started racing. There were tears welling up in my eyes. I need to get out of here. I didn't want to get up and risk Mr. Martin noticing that something was wrong so I just sat there. I kept my face down so no one would see anything just in case. Why can't I just get up and leave the classroom. The rest of the period went by so much slower. I watched the clock closer than I ever have. The bell finally rang after what seemed like 40 minutes, an entire period. I put the packet into my folder and shoved the folder into my backpack. I left the class quicker than I ever have before. I walked all the way across the school to study hall and by then I was fine. What the hell happened to me last period?

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