Hairdresser pt 2

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^(My beautiful sister in law and my sexy ass husband 🤤😍)

Eazy's POV

"Dre having a cookout later, so I might be home late," I told my mom as we sat down at the kitchen table, eating turkey ham sandwiches for lunch.

"Okay, but your taking your little sister with you," she responded.

"But ma-"

"No buts, now go wake Patricia up. I need y'all to go to the store for me."

"Sure ma, I'll go wake Tricia up," I said smiling extra hard as an idea popped into my head.

I rose from my seat and went to grab a fresh bottle of water out the fridge. A sly smirk crept onto my lips as I made my way towards Tricia's bedroom.

I opened the door and she was in bed, laying on her stomach fast asleep with her mouth wide open as she snored loudly.

The time was one-thirty in the afternoon but her prom was last night, so it doesn't come as a surprise that she slept in today.

I twisted the lid off the bottle and approached her with ease, before splashing the freezing cold water in her face. She gasped loudly as she jerked awake. I started cracking up.

I fell on the floor and held my stomach as my laugh echoed off the walls of her bedroom, only making her more upset.

"I can't stand yo ass!!" She said picking up her soaking wet pillow and throwing it at me
I giggled and threw it back at her. "That's not funny!" She yelled.

"Yeah it is, now get your ugly ass up, mama want us to go to the store for her." She groaned, throwing the bed cover off her body, standing up and heading to the bathroom.


I couldn't help but laugh at Tricia's stank face as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning," mama said.

"Afternoon, actually," I corrected, pointing a finger at the clock on the wall, me and mama both snickered.

Tricia ignored us and made her way to the fridge, yanking the door open. It was clear that she had an attitude for whatever reason.

I don't know what's got her so mad but she need to lighten up, it's a beautiful sunny day and she gets to spend it with her beloved big brother. 😇

"Ma there's no milk," she said.

"Duh, that's why we going to the store smart ass," I replied. She turned around and glared at me, blinking a couple of times.

 She turned around and glared at me, blinking a couple of times

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