Chapter 1

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Silverkit scurried out into the clearing, her mother, Briarshine following after her.

"Silverkit, I need to wash your fur before your ceremony. It's all muddy from when you were playing with Runningkit!" Briarshine yelled, eager for Silverkit to come back.

My ceremony is soon! I'm finally going to be an apprentice just like Lilypaw.

Lilypaw was Silverkit's sister. Briarshine had her with her first litter. Unfortunately for Silverkit though, Lilypaw had chosen the path of a Medicine cat.

"Gotcha." Briarshine mewed as she picked up Silverkit by the scruff and plopped her down infront of herself.

Honeycloud emerged out of the vines that sheltered the warriors den, her dark blue eyes glimmered as she looked at Silverkit, then back up at Briarshine.

"Big day, huh?" Honeycloud murmured as she approached Briarshine and Silverkit.

Briarshine gave a mrow of laughter as she continued to lick Silverkit. This is embarrassing.

Honeycloud chatted with Briarshine a few more times before padding off towards the fresh-kill pile with one of her denmates, Thistlefur.

"You can stop washing me now!" Silverkit wriggled her way out of her mother's paws.

Briarshine curled her lip back in annoyance. "You still look like you took a bath in mud, but so be it. You're ceremony is soon."

Silverkit turned her body around to face the jagged rock that stood above the clearing. That was where Cedarstar held all of our meetings.

Speaking of Cedarstar, she saw his head poke out of his den underneath the jagged rock. He gave a small nod to his deputy, Rowanfur as they both headed up the small hill that led up to it.

Silverkit gave a small squeal of excitement before turning back to Briarshine.

Briarshine gave a small mew of amusement.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather underneath the jagged rock," yelled Cedarstar, who was sitting down next to Rowanfur.

Warriors, apprentices and elders emerged from their dens. All of their faces had a confused haze to it but from the obvious gleam in Silverkit's eyes, they got the message.

Briarshine nudged Silverkit towards her. Honeycloud was right next to Briarshine. They held a distinct conversation that Silverkit couldn't make out the words of before silencing as Cedarstar gave an attention locking mew.

Lilypaw sat next to her mentor, Daisynose. She shot Silverkit a friendly glance before turning her attention back to Cedarstar.

"I have good news," announced Cedarstar, "It is time one of our kits is made an apprentice."

Silverkit sat up proudly with her chest puffing out. She could feel the gaze of many cats turning towards her, it's like they were burning into her soul.

"Silverkit, you have reached the age of 6 moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Silverpaw." Cedarstar gave Silverpaw a small nod before turning to the crowd of cats. His gaze was locked on Firestorm.

"Firestorm, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Willowbrook, and you have shown yourself to be a great hunter and a very clever fighter. You will be the mentor of Silverpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Silverpaw." Cedarstar finished.

Firestorm looked shock, but behind his shock his eyes showed pride and ambition. He trotted over to Silverpaw proudly and touched noses with her.

"Silverpaw!" The first to yell Silverpaw's new name was Lilypaw, then Briarshine, and then the rest of her Clanmates. "Silverpaw! Silverpaw! Silverpaw!"

"This meeting is now over," Mewed Cedarstar. He padded down the small slope next to Rowanfur, who gave Silverpaw a small nod as he brushed past the crowd of cats.

The crowd slowly emerged and a Dusk Patrol left.

"So, Silverpaw, tomorrow morning we start training. Make sure you get a good nights rest and are up early." Firestorm gave brushed himself against her as he padded off towards the warriors den.

"Silverpaw!" Mewed a voice behind her. Silverpaw turned around to see Lilypaw trotting up to her, next to Daisynose.

"I'm proud of you." Purred her sister. "I know you'll be the best warrior in the clan."

Daisynose nodded, "Yes she will if she has your kin, You're a very fast learner Lilypaw, and I bet you will be too Silverpaw. Good luck to you with training, you'd better head to sleep soon."

Silverpaw conversated a few more times with Daisynose and Lilypaw before they both mewed their goodbyes for their night.

Silverpaw turned towards the nursery and blinked slowly a few times. Hopefully Runningkit can join me soon in the apprentices den.

As Silverpaw trotted her way over to the apprentices den to get comfy for the night, her belly let out a loud growl.

Before she could grab her own piece of fresh-kill, Clearpaw dropped a juicy mouse infront of her. "Here, I don't really want it and I bet NightClan can hear your belly growling." He let out a mrow of laughter before padding to the apprentices den.

Silverpaw mumbled a "Thank you," but he was already gone by the time she could. She looked at the fat mouse infront of her and started to eat it, the rich blood flowing into her mouth. Thank you StarClan for this delicious mouse.

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