"Phil." Emma says as she hugs him.

End of Flashback

"I won't take them now. Only Phil knows the truth. The others don't know about the House or the fire. So I'm leaving that to Phil." Emma says, I was still a bit shocked about all the info I was just given.


"Phil, I need you to listen carefully. We're hesitating between 2 choices right now. Should we take everyone, including the babies?" Emma asks before continuing.

"Or should we leave the kids who're under 5 years old?" Emma asks, to which make Don and Gilda gasp.

"We only get harvested when we turn 6 years old. Even Marnya, who has the earliest birthday. She will have at least a year and a half. And 16 of the older kids will be gone. If this House focuses on quality over quantity, then the pace of harvesting should go down." Emma says.

"In order to raise high-quality kids again, they can't kill the younger 1's who have potential. On that point, the 6 kids who are 4 years old, including you, have good scores. At worst, I estimate that we have 2 years of time." Emma says, Don and Gilda gasped again.

"Emma, do you mean-" Don says but gets cut off by Phil.

"I can wait, promise. So just leave us behind." Phil says.

End of flashback

"But I haven't given up. I'll definitely return within 2 years. That's when I will take Phil and the others, as well as all the kids in the other 4 plants." Emma says as everyone was then on the wall, and we all then started running.

After a while an alarm was then sounded, which caused us to stop.

"It went off earlier than expected." Don says, I then went over to Emma.

"What do we do? We're still far from the bridge." I say as Emma then points at the cliff.

"We'll cross from here." She says and I gasp.

"Seriously, Cross? But at that time, Y/n said...crossing the bridge is the only way to escape." I say.


"That's what anyone would think. There's no escape from the cliff. That's precisely why you won't go to the bridge. We'll escape from the cliff. I checked the distance to the other side as well as the geographical features. It's dangerous, but there's a spot where you can cross. And you have 2 months. You have time, good luck." Y/n says.

End of flashback

"It'll be okay. We trained so much." Gilda says.

"Trained?" I ask as Don then tossed a rope, hoping it would go on the other side. It did and Don tied it around the tree branch, and it was sturdy enough.

"Nat!" Don calls out.

"Yeah!" Nat says as he had tied it to another tree on our side and all the kids cheered.

"Emma, are we really..." I say.

"It's okay. As long as the 1st person can cross..." Emma says.

"What!?" I say as Don put a hanger on the rope and went down it, like a zip-line. I gasped at how so far it was working.

We then heard some bushes rustle and Don stood up, showing he was fine.




"Okay, we're up next!" Lannion says.

"Huh?" I say as Lannion and Thoma get out plastic water bottles with water and rope on the bottom.

||2 traitors in love||: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now