❤️Chapter 4- LOVE IS FAKE Club💔

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     I was leaning against my locker in the vacant hallway.  School had ended thirty minutes ago which meant Cody had afternoon football practice and Finley had to finish up a random art project. 

     Usually, I would be gone by now, but Finley wanted everyone to stay after so we could fill everything out for the club and come up with some grand name.

     I fished out my phone to check the time.  Cody wouldn't be finished in for another forty minutes and Finley would be another ten after that.  The boy poured his entire being into his artwork.  I put my phone away and opened my locker, grabbing my carefully stowed away skateboard.  It was in fair condition given the amount of falls and fiascos I've had on the shortboard. 

     I made my way outside to the outdoor basketball court used for play.  Most kids that stepped onto the court did as beginners or just to play a small game; the indoor courts with waxed floors were used for the actual players. 

     I dropped my skateboard down and stepped on before kicking off.  My left foot rested comfortably on my board near the front while my right stayed firmly on the back end.  I was left handed and, naturally, used my left foot as my main.

     I lifted the front of my board once I got to a corner and turned.  The basketball court was pretty boring, concrete for floor, and one lousy hoop on either end.  Nothing professional at all.

     I positioned my right foot on the tail and my left just behind my board's bolts.  I popped the tail and my board rotated, I timed it perfectly and landed expertly on my board.  A simple Kickflip and a clean ride away. 

     It took me quite a bit of practice to go from an Ollie to a Kickflip when I was younger, but that's all I did and so, I picked it up quicker than most.

     I rode on my board for a while, squeezing in basic tricks and a few complex ones.  I liked doing tricks in a skatepark rather than my school's forgotten basketball court.

     I sped up a bit and plucked my phone from my pocket.  The guys should be done by now. 

     "Skater boy."

     I looked up from my phone, spotting Davina walking up the sidewalk to the court.  I stopped and popped up my skateboard into my hand.  "Your boyfriends need you in the office."

     I put my phone away, picked up my board, and started walking to the office.  Much to my surprise, Davina walked ahead of me to the office as well.  Maybe she needed a schedule change or something, regardless it wasn't my problem.

     I stepped into the office to see Finley's hand working away all over the club fliers.  Cody sat in boredom in one of the chairs, his eyes lighting up when he saw me.  "Ah, thank God, I have company now.  Finley's been writing away on that paper for five minutes."

     "How do you spell your name Davina?" Finley asked, flicking his blue eyes to her angelic figure sitting in one of the waiting chairs on the other side of the door- opposite to Cody and I.


     I frowned, "why do you need to know?"  Finley's vigorous writing paused, "I, uh, was talking to her and, um, asked her if she want- wanted to j-join.  I-I just thought, I thought- please don't be mad."  He had dropped his pen by now and was looking at me with shining eyes.

     He always got like this when he did something he thought I wouldn't like.  His greatest fear was losing Cody and I and so, being the emotional vessel that he is, worked himself up over everything. 

     I gave him a comforting smile and walked over to the packet he had been filling out.  He watched me with a torn look as I picked up the pen and skimmed the words.

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