Escaping or staying?

Start from the beginning

"Can you do it, Emma?" I ask and she looks down.

"Don't worry. This place is the farthest distance away from everyone's rooms. They can escape before the fires get to them. They've trained to run in formation through tag, right? Or is your leg still..." I say.

"It's fine!" Emma says as she stomps her leg, confirming it truly was fine.

"Then it's decided." I say as I open the can of oil.

"Ray." Emma says and I face away from her, making her stare at my back, and spill the oil around.

"But you know, Emma...To tell you the truth, I'm still against the idea of taking everyone." I say as the can of oil was finished.

"Especially after hearing there's a cliff beyond those walls. Even if you do take some, it should only be Don and Gilda. You should at least leave the babies behind." I say and grab another can of oil.

"For their sake, and for yours, too." I say and Emma looks away in sadness.

"But you won't listen even if I stop you. And it's better than having you stay behind and not escape. So I won't say anything more." I say and spill the oil can around the room. It was then finished and I dropped it to the ground.

"You decide. So why are you still here? Go tell Don and Gilda." I say.

"You said..." Emma says and I turn around to face her.

"For us to throw over the Molotov bottles?" Emma asks.

"Yeah. You, or maybe Don could..." I say.

"And I'm worried about 1 more thing. Even if we start a fire, what if Mama abandons the building? She might give up on putting out the fire and refuse to take her eyes off of us, the merchandise." She asks.

"You realized, huh? There's a good possibility of that happening. That's why just starting a fire won't be enough. If we don't stop Mama, then we won't have any chances of escaping from her. But don't worry." I say, opening another can of oil.

"I just have to do this." I say and spill the oil all over my hair, and clothes, causing her to gasp.

"Ray!?" Emma says.

"Pretty smart thinking, huh? I'm gonna burn to ash on my shipment date. Mama can't abandon me." I say and the can of oil falls to the ground.

"I've been waiting for this day. I decided this a long time ago. Many, many years ago. This is my retaliation." I say and she gasps.

"You know, Emma. I've never really been interested in studying or reading. But I endured it, and I worked hard to raise my value to the highest it could be." I say and smirk.

"12 years. I'm the feast that they've been waiting for. I'm going to take that away from them tonight. Right before the harvest they've been looking forward to. Don't think you can eat me! I won't give that satisfaction! Food? Product? Yeah, right!? This is gonna show them all, that I'm human!" I say.

"Ray..." Emma says, eyes widen with fear.

"I have to do this. It's the best way. The only way. I've watched my family die all these years. I used them. And they were all good kids. They were all so kind and carefree..." I say on sadness.

"Wait." She says taking a step forward.

"Don't move. Listen, Emma. You only have 1 chance. Make this work. Please, don't let me, Y/n and Norman die in vain." I say and I then look at a book.

"Catch." I say, throwing the book at her. She caught it, and she opened it, she gasped. She saw a picture. The picture of her and Norman.

"This is from that time..." Emma says and the clock started dinging. I then get a match and light it on fire, shocking the both of them.

||2 traitors in love||: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now