Chapter 1: The Disappointment

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Growing up my mother told me how to manipulate people into doing whatever you wanted them to do. As a little girl I never really understood what exactly she meant by that, instead of worrying about it I just brushed it off. My dad always reminded me of a little elf, always running around trying to support the family as well as obey my mother. My mother on the other hand was always treated like a queen, even when she was young. At first I just assumed it was simply because she was the only child but I later found out the real reason. It wasn't until I was eight years old when I had finally realized what she meant by "manipulate people".
She had a huge reputation of knowing everything about everyone. If you didn't do what she wanted, she would ruin you and your family's lives. She never believed that I could be successful in life.
She always showed how disappointed she was in me, I pretended it didn't hurt when I was near her but with every chance I got of privacy I would cry. All I cared about was getting her approval and I failed to realize that until it was too late...
Ever since the day I realized that my household was toxic I had been saving up to be financially stable to move out at eighteen years old. Until I was eighteen I had to be just like my father, always running around doing HER dirty work. I had my first job at ten years old. I was more than happy to do it until I realized what I actually had to do. My job was to KILL a boy MY AGE! I could never! What was my mother thinking!? Thoughts were constantly running through my head but I was not allowed to see my mother unless I had an appointment so I just let the thoughts roam.

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