Chapter 3: Right Place, Wrong Time

Start from the beginning

    And Emilia herself had changed since she began traveling with the hedonistic goddess of mischief. She wore much more tactical, red clothing and became accustomed to running. Like Sylvie, her head was constantly on a swivel. Sylvie had started calling Emilia "Mia" one day because apparently "Emilia" took too long to say, whatever that meant. Since then, the nickname had stuck.

    There were few times in the former doctor's life where she had seen people die in front of her, but she never thought she would be the one taking those lives, in self defense of course. But the feeling of taking a life never faded in Emilia's psyche, despite Sylvie telling her to let them go and that it wasn't worth the mental strain.

    "Where is it anyway?" Emilia asked. She was asking about the power source to recharge the Tempad.

    After a fall, Sylvie broke the Tempad. It took days to fix, but they still needed a strong power source to charge it fully. After arriving on a planet called Praxius IX, Emilia figured out that the source they needed was located in the city center, the heaviest guarded place in the city. Praxius IX was no place for either of them. Because of their abilities, both women were considered "collector's items" that could be sold for billions of units as weapons.

    Sylvie stopped in her tracks at Emilia's question. "You don't know where we're going?" She questioned.

    "No." Emilia shrugged.

    The goddess let out an annoyed sigh. "Oh my god! You don't have a plan."

    Emilia shifted, putting her hands on her hips. "I have a plan." She said, almost offended. "Find the power source we need to charge the Tempad. Simple."

    The two slowly began walking down the hallway, continuing to argue back and worth. "That's a shit plan."

    "No it's not. It seems reasonable to me. And you didn't say anything."

"Because I thought you had a plan! What you have isn't a plan. Your thing was just punching your way through everyone."

Emilia raised a challenging brow. "Remind you of anyone?"

Sylvie scowled slightly. She knew Emilia was referencing her. "I always have a plan. Besides, plans involve multiple steps."

    Fed up with Sylvie, the red head rolled her icy blue eyes and walked down the hall, ignoring the woman beside her. The hallway walked down a dimly lit hallway, Sylvie with her teal machete held tightly in her hand. Emilia could feel a faint tingle of heat in her hands, ready to ignite anything and anyone who stood in their way.

    As they reached an intersection in the hallway, a guard came around the corner and elbowed Emilia in the nose. Before Sylvie could react, Emilia kicked the guard's knee cap, grabbed her head and kneed her in the face. The guard's body fell unconscious, her face bloodied from the blow she had taken. Emilia wiped the blood away from her nose and shook her head. "Not bad." Sylvie said nonchalantly, looking down at the body and walking over it.

    Emilia sent a small smirk Sylvie's way. "I learned from the best." Emilia smirked, as she continued to walk down the hallway.

    Sylvie watched Emilia's hips sway in the dark hallway, a small smirk appearing on her thin lips. It was hard to hate Emilia. One minute she was sarcastic, and the next she was soft and vulnerable. For a moment, it reminded Sylvie of herself. She let out a huff before quickly following her partner.

    The two eventually reached a locked door. Sylvie gazed down at the keypad before simply smashing it with her elbow, sending sparks flying. The doors slid open, revealing another dark room. And right in the middle was a platform. A small box glowed purple on the platform as if it were pulsating. The room was completely empty other than a few lights. "This is some real Indiana Jones shit." Emilia said as she looked around the room, her voice echoing as it bounced off the walls.

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