First Date

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"don't go" said Mac almost in his whisper from the door

"We already talked about this" she said as she looked at the clothes in her closet

"I don't want you to go" Mac didn't move from his place

"Dad, you and mom gave me permission to go" Ellen said as she turned to see her father

"Well now I'm not very sure of my decision" said Mac crossing his arms

"Well I'll ask mom what she thinks of this" said Ellen

"no" said Mac quickly

"Mom" yelled his daughter with a mischievous little smile

Riley walked into his room and then stood next to his wife

"what happen dear?" Riley asked him

"Dad, he doesn't want me to go on my date" Ellen complained

"Mac, we can talk in our room" Riley said seriously.

"fine" Mac said with a groan

Mac looked at the victorious smile his daughter had on his face as he and Riley walked out of their room.

"Mac, we already talked about this, Ellen is no longer a girl, she is 15 years old" Riley told him once they entered her room

Mac sighed knowing she was right, but he just couldn't help it, she was his daughter, his baby, his princess, he had wished with all his heart that this moment would never come.

"I know Riles, it's just that ... It's very difficult to accept the fact that my daughter is no longer a little girl and now that she is a teenager all these many come and ..." he was interrupted by Riley

"And of all those guys she has only agreed to go out with one, one that we know very well, remember that Zac has been her best friend since she was a baby" Riley explained.

That was true, Zac was the son of a girl that Riley spent a lot of time with during her pregnancy, when they both had their babies they did not hesitate to bring them together to be friends

Ellen and Zac were best friends since then, they went to the same school, sometimes he came to her house or other times she went to his, they spent a lot of time together and it was a great surprise for him when he found out that Zac had invited Ellen on a date

"but I don't want her heart to be broken, I don't want to see my little girl get hurt" said Mac

"I understand you Mac, but Zac is her best friend, he knows her as well as we do and I doubt it will break her heart" said Riley

"I was your best friend and I broke your heart many times, I wish I had never done it" said Mac looking at the ground

"But you always knew how to repair my heart and look where we are now" Riley took her cheeks in her hands

Mac sighed and shook his head "well, I'll let him go out with him, but if he hurts her I won't allow him to get close to my girl anymore."

"Whatever you say papa bear" Riley said before kissing him softly

They both returned to Ellen's room and she almost jumped for joy when they told her permission to go out with Zac on a date.

The afternoon came and Ellen was almost ready and Zac was in the living room waiting for her, they heard some footsteps coming from the hall but instead of Ellen it was Riley who came out and called him to follow her

Mac followed Riley into Ellen's room and gaped at the sight of her daughter, he was wearing a beautiful soft pink dress, matching sneakers and her blonde hair was loose in beautiful curls.

"She wants to talk to you, she's nervous" Riley whispered to hatred before leaving

Mac slowly approached his daughter who was now sitting on her bed with a sad expression on her face.

"what's up princess?" he asked in a soft voice

"I don't know, I feel strange" said Ellen playing with her hands

"You're nervous about her date, huh?" Mac took one of her hands in his

"I think so, I don't want to ruin my friendship with Zac, he's my best friend and I like him a lot but I don't know if I'm willing to open that door of friendship to something else, "said Ellen

"I'll tell you something" said Mac

"tell me" said Ellen seeing him

"Your mom and I, we were best friends a long time before we were something else" said Mac

"really" said Ellen

"Yes, the truth is that I fell in love with her from the first moment but I never had the courage to tell her, I convinced myself for years that that feeling was nothing, but the truth is that I was a great fool, because your mother also felt the same as me and I never realized it, "Mac explained.

"And how did you know how she felt?" Ellen asked curiously

"Well, let's say it was like an accident, but right after we said to remain friends even though we both knew it was not the right decision, it took a long time but after months I had the courage to ask your mother out on a date and since then I have been the happiest man in the world "Ellen smiled and then rested her head on her father's shoulder.

"So, are you saying you want me to go out with Zac?" Mac could hear the mocking tone in his voice

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I still strongly disagree with you dating someone, but I admire Zac's courage in asking you out and I just hope he makes you the happiest girl in the world" said Mac

Ellen smiled hugely and hugged her father tightly "I love you daddy

"I love you too" she said while tenderly kissing his head

"Okay, now I'll go with Zac" she said when she released him

"One thing before you go" said Mac

"what thing?" I ask

"Promise that I am the only man you love more than any other" said Mac

Ellen laughed and hugged him again "I promise you are the only man I love more than any other"

"Well now go, your boy is waiting for you" said Mac

Ellen came out with a smile on her face, Zac seeing her saw her, he was stunned but he could still control himself by passing him the roses that he had brought for her

Mac hugged Riley as he watched his daughter leave with Zac and watched as he shyly took Ellen's little finger with his.

He was not very happy with the idea that his little girl was not so little anymore, but he was comforted by the fact that she was happy.

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