part 17

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We have just woke up. Me and pansy are cuddling in bed when I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in" I shout

They come in and we see Anna. I smile at her and she smiles back

"I've made you both breakfast" Anna says shyly

"Wait... Mars let you make breakfast in her kitchen" I ask shocked

She nods her head and smiles

"Okay we'll be down in a couple minutes" pansy comments

"Okay" Anna finishes

She walks out the door and pansy turns to face me

"I love you baby" she smiles

"I love you princess" I reply

We go downstairs and go to the dining room and see Anna waiting for us. We see all the food she has prepared on the table

"What'd you think" she questions

"I have no words" I smile

Pansy goes up to Anna and picks her up and hugs her

After breakfast we are just sitting at the table thinking what to do

"What if we go to the beach" I suggest

They both look at me confused

"Don't you know what the beach is" I ask astonished

They both shake their heads

I shake my head and chuckle

"So the beach is a sandy shore by the sea but it can also be a pebbly shore" I explain

"I want to go there" Anna says excitedly

"Me too" pansy answers

I nod and we go to get ready

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