Chapter 4: Rebellion

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Cassandra was starting to regret not eating.  Her stomach was growling and it was in pain for being empty.  She groaned in annoyance and hugged her leg, hoping the pressure would relieve her of her discomfort.

Upon hearing foot steps echoing in the halls of the dungeons, she glanced up.  For a moment, she suspected Andrew, but she quickly realized they were too light.  The foot steps weren't heavy like Andrew's typically was.  She quickly concluded who it was right before they came into view.

Varian took a seat in front of her cell door.  She scoffed in annoyance.  He pulled out an apple.

"What?  Came to eat that in front of me as a taunt?"

He didn't say anything.  Instead, he slipped his hand through the bars with the apple.  She gave him a strange look.  "What's that?  I'm not supposed to-"

"I'm aware of what we are and aren't supposed to do.  Before you flatter yourself and think I'm doing this for you and refuse it, stop.  I'm giving it to you because I'm being petty and want to spite Andrew.  You're not the only one he treats like trash," Varian said.

Cassandra stared at it for a moment.  Slowly, she accepted it.  She nibbled it, letting the juice pour into mouth.  She immediately sucked in, trying to quench her thirst.

"Also, I don't want you to eat so fast you throw up, but fast enough so we're not caught.  I'll need to take the remains with me so I don't leave any evidence," Varian added.

She wasn't sure if she completely believed him when he said he was only feeding her for him.  Something about Varian she picked up was that he actually seemed to care.  As much as he pretended not to and even denied it, he actually did.  Even she could see that.  Why else would he keep standing up for her?

Whether or not those feelings were romantic or he just cared, Cassandra wasn't certain.  Either way, she kept feeling grateful to him in spite of herself.  After all, it was his fault she was stuck in this mess, why should she feel grateful to him?  Maybe it was because, deep down, she knew that he was in the same position as her.

He was a prisoner like her.  Instead of being chained to a wall, he was chained to Andrew.  The castle was his prison.  His cell may have been bigger, but it was no less infuriating.  He didn't have the freedom to do as he pleased or make his own choices.  No, they were on the same boat.

"Thank you," she said suddenly.

Surprised, Varian looked up at her.  They made eye contact for a moment and Varian made a small smile.  It had been a long time since someone thanked him.  It felt nice.

"Yeah, yeah... no sweat..."  he whispered looking away to hide his blush.  He felt accomplished for the first time since the storm.  Maybe... maybe it was possible to become friends again.  He admitted it, he really missed her.  More than he did Rapunzel and Eugene.

Cute, Cassandra thought as she surpressed a smile.  Wait.  Did she just-no.  No, she was not going there.  She was grateful, that was it.  She never had feelings for him and never would.  That was that.  Period.

After she finished eating her apple, she handed him the seeds and stem.  He put it in his coat pocket.  Standing up, he brushed himself off.  "I um... I'll try to bring more later.  It's not much, but..."

"It's more than you need to," she cut him off.  "I appreciate it."

He shrugged.  "Whatever.  It's just to spite him," Varian mumbled.

At this point, there was no doubt that it was more than just spite. Deny it all he wanted, but it wouldn't change the fact that he was giving her his precious rations.  His food.  The food that they obviously deprived him of.

Varian left the dungeons and went back to his lab.  He felt great.  He missed helping people, and by choice.  Not being forced to help like Andrew made him do.  He felt an old part of himself spark from within.  The little kid of Old Corona, using alchemy to improve the lives of his fellow villagers.  He had forgotten how that felt.

Not only did it make him feel a little more alive, he felt in control.  Well, not completely.  Just knowing that he could make the choice against Andrew's demands on purpose and perhaps get away with it.  It felt like he had suddenly gained some sense of control. He was still without freedom, but he would gain that later.  For now, he was satisfied just helping Cassie.

Every meal, he brought her some food.  He was able to bring some water in an unused vial to prevent her from getting too dehydrated.  He was aware Andrew would eventually realize that she was getting food and water.  Even if she was still hungry and thirsty, she should be much more miserable.

Until then, he would help Cassandra keep her strength to fight back.  The last thing he wanted was let Andrew have at her.   Not when she definitely did not want to do that with him.  She made it clear, but Andrew never took no for an answer.

So what if Andrew got super upset when Cassandra still refused his offer. So what if he had to deal with Andrew's anger and feel the brunt of it.  He didn't mind taking the pain as long as Andrew didn't let his anger out on Cassandra; and as long as Cass didn't know, she would keep refusing and keep fighting.  That's what mattered in the end to Varian.  So she would keep the hope that he had lost long before.  The hope that she was starting to give him.

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