Chapter 3: Pain

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Varian made sure that it was only Cassandra's food he brought with him this time.  He was also sure to be careful when giving it to her.  This was the only large coat he had clean.  The other two were drying from being washed. 

Upon reaching her cell, he froze.  He hadn't realized Andrew was down their at the moment.  He turned around to leave so he could come back with Cassandra's food later.  However, he realized what was going on.  Cassandra was struggling and Andrew was leaning super close like he was trying to...

Unexplained anger rose in Varian's chest as he felt a since of needing to protect her.  Why, he didn't understand.  Maybe he just didn't want her to live through what he had to.  No one deserved that.  Certain of the reason or not, his mouth moved faster than his brain.  "What?"

Both the assaulter and the victim looked in Varian's direction.  Andrew chuckled.  "What?  Are you jealous, buddy?"

He was far from jealous.  "What are you doing?"  Varian repeated.

"You're supposed to be the genius in the room, aren't you?"  Andrew retorted.

"It's clear she doesn't want to do it, so why are you doing it anyways," Varian refrased.

"She's a prisoner, kid.  Keep that straight."

"She's a woman that should be respected," Varian snapped.  "She may be behind bars, but she should still be respected if she says no to that."

"Oh, so you are jealous, but not because you're jealous of her, you want her.  Great taste.  I'll let you off easy for stepping out of turn this time if you behave now," Andrew taunted.

Varian clamped his mouth shut, but didn't move.  His face turned bright red.  "It's not like that..." he whispered, barely audible.  He looked at Cassandra, who gave him a surprised look.

She shook out of her shock when Andrew turned back to her.  She kicked him in the face, making him fly back.  "Get off!"

Andrew passed her a dark look.  He stood up and walked out of the cell.  He took the bowl of soup and threw it at her.  It missed and shattered against the wall.  Some glass cut her cheek as it flew out, but, luckily, nothing got near her eye.  Varian winced at the sound.

"Maybe you'll be weaker without your food," the man hissed.  This time, Andrew took the tray from Varian and threw it on the ground in front of her.  He then slammed the cell door shut.

Varian almost wanted to laugh.  Cassandra without a meal wasn't going to make her much weaker.  Cass had yet to eat.  No doubt she would have refused that meal too.  He just saved her the trouble of smashing everything.

"She doesn't get food until I say she does," Andrew ordered.  "No food, water, nothing."

Oh, there it was.  He was going to starve her until she agreed to be submissive for food or water.  Varian knew how this went.  He'd been living through it the past few months.

Andrew began to storm off.  Varian spared a look to Cassandra, casting her what only she could read as sympathetic.

She rolled her eyes and he scurried after Andrew.  She didn't want or need his sympathy.  She wasn't some helpless damsel in distress.  Ok, so maybe she pretty much was, but that didn't mean she wanted his sympathy.  Especially if he himself was pretty helpless.  Although, she had to admit that she was grateful for him standing up for her.  She didn't understand why, but she was appreciative nonetheless.

Varian followed Andrew up the stairs silently.  The last thing he wanted to do was draw attention to himself.  When they reached the top, Andrew suddenly stopped in his tracts.  Varian did too, almost crashing into him.  When Andrew didn't move, Varian gathered up the courage to speak.

"Is something wrong?-"  Varian gasped as Andrew whirled around and slapped him in the face.  The almost eighteen year old's head shot to the side.

"You have a bad habit of opening your mouth at the wrong time, buddy.  Get a hold of yourself!"  Andrew scolded loudly.

Varian shrunk and leaned back as Andrew leaned closer in his shouting.  The boy tried not tremble, but he wasn't doing a good job in that.  He bowed his head.  "I... I'm Sorry..." he whispered, looking away.

Andrew gently lifted Varian's chin to make him look at him.  The man tutted.  "Save your sass for the princess when she gets here, but until then, best behavior now.  Wouldn't want to spoil the mood do we now, buddy?"

Varian shook his head.  The man smiled.  "Good.  Glad we agree."  He patted Varian's flaming cheek before walking away.

The teen stood there, internally screaming at himself.  Why was he so pathetic?  So quick to submit?  What happened to the backbone of the boy who almost single handedly took over Corona?  What happened to that bark and hard bite to back it up?  He was just a joke now.

Was he going to be good, or did he want to get his rebellious spirit back?  He could always start small right?  Or he could straight up spite Andrew behind the man's back.  How would he do that though?  Would it be worth it?  Was he acting like an immature, idiot child, or was he doing the right thing?

He supposed the question would be, what his punishment would be if he got caught.   Well, he guessed he could solve that.  Just don't get caught and it wouldn't be a problem.  Simple, but yet, not so simple.  All he knew was that he was done with Andrew's game, and he was done playing the victim.

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