Chapter 11

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   Today is a special day for the royals, it's their trial day to see who'll be the prince's wife and come with him to the castle. I hope I won't be standing all day by his side. We had breakfast on the train. I was allowed around the place during the day since I won't be needed to protect the prince, at least not until the results ceremony later.

   The royalties training center was a miniature copy of the royal castle. It was quite a magical environment. The pastel colors and the wide gardens full of flowers. Birds were chirping and the butterflies were flying even in this weather. Here the royalties learn to get used to the luxury in training, I bet they sit down all day sipping tea and try their best to keep the right posture. We had to train in mud and sweat all day, our body would ache by the end of the day and here royalties learn to sit still and look pretty in their big fancy gowns and suits. I don't even blame them, I made the decision myself and became a knight but I can't even imagine what the people in the other town go through every day. I miss coming back at night and talk to Brynn or wait for black ghost. Even his new name brings a smile to my face.

   We would first have a small talk with the trainers in here before the prince will make his appearance to them. The queen was looking over the training in here for the past few months but it was the prince's decision now, Even in this case the competition will continue, he needs a powerful queen by his side and more importantly a girl who will understand him and stay by his side.

   I was left with the other guards but it looks like I was the only outsider, they were all friends probably from training together. They only asked a few questions and I briefly answered them.

   "How does it feel to be his highness' personal guard?"

   "Why did you want to be a knight?"

   "Do you feel intimated by all the boys around you?"

   "Do you regret not choosing royalty?" and a bunch of useless questions, I sat by myself at a couch away from everyone and their loud shatter.

   Time flowed like cement. I checked the big clock on the wall for the time. A minute had passed since I last checked an hour ago, or so it seemed. Sitting there with nothing to stare at but a wall with chipped cream paint was excruciatingly dull and there was no telling when I would be called. It was so pointless too. I began to drift into an unpleasant daydream or was it a paranoid fantasy? So hard to tell and I didn't care. It helped to pass the time.

   Boredom is that invitation for the brain to play, to let the self-soak into a moment and see the richness in the minute subtlety life offers. So I finally let it in, allow my thoughts to float without direction, and soon enough they find paths to run down, new paths rather than the same old worries that can play over and over each day. That's when ideas come... and that's when boredom ends. I called for a passing maid and asked her to escort me outside towards the gardens.

   I sat on the edge of the large lake, my back to the hot noon sunrays and feet dangling into the warmed summer waters. I kicked lazily at the swelling waves until they fell below my toes again while toying with the idea of swimming. It would be something to do, a break from the sweltering heat. My head felt hot, the heat sinking into my brown hair as efficiently as tarmac. I slid to my side and dangled my arm down to catch the briny water with my fingertips.

   Would anyone pass by if I simply took my armor and jumped into the water? Everyone is busy with the competition. Will it be the same as our trials? Last time I glanced at the clock for the hundredth time it wasn't even one yet. Should I wait until after lunch? The prince told me to do whatever I want and when he needs me, he'll call someone to fetch me.

   I got abruptly to my feet and took all the metal of my body, I was left with the red spandex. Without looking to see if anyone is around, I dived right in. The sultry air was immediately replaced with the cool water of the lake. Soon her lungs clamored for air and she kicked for the top, to see him.

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