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Hi kitties


It has been one month since that last incident and I am feeling good that Chance is more positive. Even though I don't know what is the real reason for his problem but I hope that it is sort out soon.

I don't care how he would end up but I am fearing because of my dad. If something goes wrong than he would not hesitate to take me away and get me divorced with him. I am scared of that.

My dad had put this condition in front of Chance and on that condition  only we got married.

"What is wrong?" I heard Natalie's voice and I shook my head.

"I am not thanking about anything."

"Do you even realize that you have passed on lecture in your thoughts only." At the same time I heard the bell being rang. I signed.

"I am just little worried about Chance and my relationship. I am feeling as if soon I would find obstacles."

"Which relationship doesn't face obstacles?"

"I know but the feelings which I am having is saying the worse."

"Don't think so much about it. It will fade away. Chance won't let anyone harm you."

"This is not about me but him."

"Calm down. So much stress won't let you have a peaceful day. Why don't you talk with your father? Maybe he can help you."

"I don't know what would happen if he would know about this. There is clear condition between them. If Chance can't provide me with my daily life than my father would take me away from him."

"You are not like that. I know that you would be with Chance even if he shifts to small house and have a small job." I didn't replied to her. I took my bag.

"Where are you going?"

"Going to help Chance. Please help me with the leave."

"But next month our exams are going to begin."

"Don't worry about that." I come out from there and headed towards my car when I saw someone who was leaning against my car. I went towards him and saw the same person who had helped me that day.

"How did you know that I will be here?"

"Kind of I know everything about you." That made me alert of him. I don't really want to bring more trouble in our troubled life.

"Don't worry I was just joking. I am a trustee over here. Today I have came for a round only and saw your car. That is why I am over here." I didn't speak anything but nodded. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I am skipping the class."

"It is not a good thing." I looked at him.

"Look Mr I am...." He cut me off.

"This Mr. name is Kyle Smith." He introduced himself.

"Whatever. I am in debt of you because of that day and I don't want something more from that help. That day you had helped and that's it. Now we are stranger."

"Do you really have to use those harsh words?"

"Yes of course and please move aside because I have to go somewhere."

"You are not good to me. Why? I have helped you that day."

"That day my engine wasn't working and you called for a mechanic and that's it. You haven't done anything like saving my life. So I am just in debt for that only."

"Your good for nothing husband can't win this time." I looked at him confused.

"Husband? How do you know that I am married." He pointed at my hand and I knew that he was pointing at my ring finger. But he wasn't as if he knew threw this this.

"You said my good for nothing husband won't win this time. You know who my husband is, am I right?" I looked at him.

"I don't know who is he. I was talking about someone else."

"Just tell me the truth. Who are you? And how do you know me?" I looked in his eyes. I kept on staring.

"Then for now you only know that in few days his company would collapse and he would be on the street with nothing in his hand." I was shocked to here that.

"This is nonsense."

"This is not. If you don't believe than why don't you just go and check over his company. Everything would be in front of you." He stepped forward and was looking in my eyes only. He opened the car door and motioned me to sit inside. I sat inside the door and was still in the shock. I couldn't really process what was going on. "I hope that you find the truth and it helps you to choose better." I started the engine and drove away. I was trying to concentrate at the road but I couldn't. His words were roaming in my mind. I parked the car and without me knowing I burst into tears.

Now I know why he was asking me all these questions. I just hope that he wins this time. I want him to win. I will make him win. I wiped my tears and decided to find the truth which I can find in his company.

I am not angry that he had hidden the truth from me because I know his nature but I am really really worried that if he fails than we would be separated and that is my worst nightmare.

Hold on Chance. I am coming and pleaee don't push me this time because I really really want to be with you in this time. I want us to be together in this time. I know that we will get through this together. We can make it through this trouble.

I reached his office and looked at office before I take the huge breath inside. I really need confidence to get to know the truth. I come out from the car. I guess I am ready now.

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