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Hi kitties!!! Happy new year to all. And with the start of new year we start with the new chapter of this adorable book


I come out from my yellow Ferrari and every eyes went on me. I smiled looking at them. This is not new to me. I am always use to these attention.This is because of two reasons, first I am popular and second I am the wife of one of the multi billionaire Chance Rodriguez. I know I am still student who still have a great life ahead.But when you found who is made for you and only you then why waiting for long. 1 year of my marriage is wonderful. Today is the 1 year of our marriage. I can't believe that one year of our marriage is already completed. This whole marriage of wonderful which contain love, joy and passion. Well I do love Chance way to much. He had become my heart in just few months and we are now spouse. 

I headed towards my class which was of Statics, well some of my colleagues face problem in studying it but it is not at all hard for me. Well because me and my brother from childhood only were taught a lot about business and that's why this is just a piece of cake. My brother is already handling our business and I am studying to help Chance as well as dad. My family is the most important thing in my life and nothing come before them. 

I reached my class and found my best friend Natalia. She is from Russia and around 10 years ago. From that day till now we are best friend.

"What's up girl?" I asked her and she smiled

"I am fine as you can find." She said and we both did our hi5. We are not like other girls who only do gossip about boys or random stuff or if there is a party then we don't have clothes. We do have  clothes and we become the star of that party.

"How is Chance?" She asked

"He is the same like he was 2 years ago." I said and she chuckled

"Happy anniversary." She said and hugged me.

"Thanks dear." I said

"I can't still believe that you are married with the guy who was way too much rude to you in the first and for the whole month he didn't see you but when he did he just put you in his heart. What a cute romantic story. I sometime envy you. You get a loving and caring husband at such a age." She said and I smiled

"Lucky me." I said and we both laughed.

"Any plans for today?" She asked.

"Yup, we both are going to celebrate it alone." I said and she smiled.

"I pray from God to protect your love life and keep you happy like this only." She said and I smiled and hugged her. Then we heard the bell rings and we went to our respective places. Me and Natalia were hearing to Mr. Gupta. He is best at statics. He tells us easy trick to solve the questions and I like his teachings a lot. I was hearing some of the noise from my behind.

I looked behind and found Kerry. She was my friend two years ago and now she is the rival of mine. I discover later that she was with me to get the attention of Chance which he didn't give. And when we get married she spill out her dark heart. She sometime also tried to attack me but thank God never she was successful in it. Chance had warn her big time and from then own she doesn't attack me anymore but still throw words on me. I am tired of her. I haven't yet told this to Chance. I am fearing if he comes to about her doing he would not leave her as he threaten and she also keeps her mouth shut when Chance visits me.

"Don't look over her. She is a bad news." Natalia said. And I couldn't help but agree with her. She is really a bad news. 

The class was finished and we went outside. I went towards me locker and grab my books for next period. Today I will be free soon so do Chance. He told me that he will pick me up but I somehow convinced him and he won't be coming to pick me up.

"Hi beautiful." Someone said and I looked at the person.

"Hey Jace." I said and he smiled. Jace another friend of mine and is gay. He do have a boyfriend from another college his name is Harper. He is also nice. Jace's family is supporting him and that what makes him confident about problems. He do like to flirt with me just to tease Chance. Chance also gets jealous even though he know he is a gay. I too sometime support him and this make Chance jealous to fullest. But I do it rarely. Angry Chance is not at all good. He is a volcano in his rage. So I generally doesn't ingite him. And loving Chance is like a rose. Soft. Well I prefer soft Chance rather than volcano.

"We have next class together. You know that right?" He said and I nodded.

"I do remember." I said. We were about to left when Kerry come in front of me. She is quite taller than me. She was looking at me furiously. I know she doesn't come to me to talk two sweet words. She will again throw up her dark heart on me.

"So much happy today. Oh you have your anniversary today. One year of your marriage is completed. I wish you a very bad and sad anniversary. I hope in the future you two get separate." She said and laughed like a witch and went away. I was somehow terrified with her words.

"Don't mind her. You both are made for each other and no one can separate you." Jace said and I nodded. I hope so nothing wrong could go because I will die without Chance.

Untold possessive loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz