Chapter Two

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George was going to his good friends Sapnaps house to plan a proposal for Jenny.

George arrived at Sapnaps house and knocked on the door Sapnap opened and greeted George "Hey George I haven't seen you in a while" George stepped in "Yeah I have been busy with the girlfriend and all" Sapnap smiled "So when do you want to start planning, oh actually wana eat some breakfast first" George chuckled "Yeah sure"

"So how have you been" George asked while stuffing toast in his mouth. "Oh I have a new house as you can see, and a roommate" Sapnap explained. George smiled "That's nice, where is your roommate". Sapnap sighed "He is on a work trip, he is going to be home tomorrow"

George thought:

"His roommate could help us... maybe"

For that day they just hung out and caught up.

"I think I am gonna go to sleep now" George yawned "Ok I am going to stay here and watch some TV. Oh and my roommate will not be home so you can sleep in his room tonight because it is way more comfortable than the guest room" Sapnap yawned. "Ok thanks " George went upstairs took a shower and went to bed.

Sapnap stayed in the living room to watch TV and then he fell a sleep on the couch. A couple hours later half a sleep he herd and saw his roommate coming home but he didn't say any thing he was too tired.

In the morning George woke up and was surprised to see a tall handsome blond haired man next to him. George thought

"That must be Sapnaps roommate. I didn't know that he was coming home today... I- I mean yesterday"

George got out of bed and walked downstairs to take a shower so he doesn't wake up the roommate.

He got downstairs and saw Sapnap sleeping and snoring on the couch. He took a shower and when he was leaving the bathroom he ran back in because standing in the kitchen half naked was Sapnaps roommate.

George quickly got dressed and went to the kitchen. "Good morning" George said to be polite. Sapnaps roommate looked up a litle bit startled "G- G- Good morning"

As Spanaps roommate made eye contact with George, he was quick to introduce him self "H- Hi my name is Dream" Dreams eyes lit up at the sight of George. George chuckled "Is that your real name" Dream smiled "No my real name is Clay but every body calls me Dream" George nodded "Oh ok then, hi Dream my name is George"

Dream thought

"George is so cute I wonder if he's single because he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen"

When Sapnap woke up he saw them both talking he was quite happy because now Dream could help with the proposal planning.

"Oh, hey you guys!" Sapnap yawned.
"Good morning you sleepy head" Dream and George said in sync. They both started blushing.

"Should we start!" George opened his laptop. "Yeah ok I'll just get a cup of coffee" Sapnap yawned as Dream pulled him a side "Start with what?" Sapnap chuckled "with a proposal planning for his girlfriend Jenny". Dreams facial expression completely changed then he shrugged it off "can I help" Sapnap smiled "of course!"

Dream thought

"So that is not gona work he is straight I mean its not like I wanted it to work"

They all sat around the table and they planed and planed it was perfect.

"That was a lot of work but it was fun right?" George sighed "yeah it was" Dream said calmly while staring at George. "Ahh that was exhausting I wana get in the pool for a sunset dip" Sapnap ran to his room to get changed.

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