Chapter One

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This is a world where in every relationship you and your partner get three dreams if all are good you are soulmates if two are good you are meant to be together and if there are two or more bad (night mares) than its not gona work you where never meant to be. (All other dreams are in Black and White)

There is a little e violence only in this chapter ⚠️TW⚠️

George = Georgie, Gogy
Dream = Clay
Sapnap = Nick
Karl = Karl

George was sitting on the couch watching the TV. Then the sound of a plate breaking on the kitchen floor startled George.

George shouted "Are you ok babe" a womans voice came from the kitchen "Yeah just dropped a plate"

It was his girlfriend Jenny. They have been together for four years, and for a year they have been living together.

After a couple minutes Jenny sat down next to George and kissed him on the cheek. George smiled and put his arm around Jenny.

"So when do you have to start working again" Jenny asked, George sighed "Actually I start on Monday and I'll be back on Friday" Jenny frowned "B- But that's like only two days away, I don't want you to leave" George smiled weakly "Look I'll be back on Friday morning so that's like only 4 days I'm gona be away Jen"

"Ok then, lets go to bed" quietly said Jenny, George chuckled "ok bubs"

They went to bed but George couldn't fall a sleep and for an hour he tried and finally as he was starting to fall a sleep, he noticed that Jenny wasn't sleeping she was texting someone. George thought to him self

"Who would she be texting at two in the morning that's weird and -"

He interrupted him self by falling a sleep

Next morning he woke up but he had completely forgot about the texting thing. Jenny was still a sleep so George went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Jenny woke up to the nice smell of bacon and eggs. Then the door to the bedroom slid open and George came in with breakfast and a cup of coffee.

"Good morning sweaty" George smiled. "Good morning, OMG you are so amazing!" Jenny squealed. George smiled "I love you so much, and that's why I am gonna make these two days the best" Jenny hugged George "Yay!"

They ate breakfast in bed, after they play wrestled in bed. "Lets go shopping today" George chuckled "omg yeah you're the best" Jenny jumped up.

When they got to the mall they spent hours shopping but then Jenny saw someone or something and she was trying to usher George out of the mall

George got confused

"What's going on why is she acting this way"

From this part on it gets sad but every thing changes for the beter in chapter two.

"What's wrong Jen" George chuckled. "Every thing is ok babe I'm just tired lets go home now" quickly and sharply said Jenny "Ok?!". George shrugged "Yeah fine lets go!"

All the way to their home they fought. It was the evening when they arrived home they ate dinner and went to bed.

(just for this litle part)

In the middle of the night George had a horrible nightmare where Jenny fell of a cliff well she didn't fall George pushed her off and then took his own life.

He woke up sweaty and terrified "Jen?!!". She wasn't next to him, he went to the kitchen, Jenny was there when she saw him she was crying and she hugged George.

"Jen this is our second bad dream you know what this means" George said quietly. "NO NO NO! We can pretend that this never happened" Jenny pleaded. He turned away "No, I can't live this w--"

He fell to the floor because Jenny had struck him in the head with a frying pan. Jenny dragged him to bed

Next morning George didn't remember anything nothing about the dream or about the fight. Jenny told him that he fell and hit his head.

They spent all day resting and watching movies.

The next day Jenny helped George pack up for work and kissed him good bye "bye George I am gona miss you". And George drove of but he wasn't going to work.


This is my first book so leave your suggestions in the comments ly.

Love at first sight (DNF)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin