Chapter 2: Better Off Alone

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That morning, I found myself standing before Larry. Currently, I was at Erwin's house just starting the day with the twins- getting ready to go to the zoo actually. "Honey, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Taking you and them to the zoo," he answers, his tone not so annoyed but clearly not chipper either. I wanted to tell him it wasn't necessary but he came out all this way- and maybe this could be good for us?

"Okay, I'll let them know, I'll also need to put the car seats into the back," I inform him.

"I'll do it, just get them ready," he says in a cold tone.

Nodding, I turn to look inside watching the children slowly put their shoes on. Walking over to them, I help them each with an article of clothing they needed. When they were ready, I got them outside to Larry's car. After getting them properly situated in their seat, I then sat up front in the passenger seat.

Larry slowly drove around the fountain and out the gate. The ride was rather silent, aside from the kids giggling and mumbling in the back. I turn to look at my stoic husband as he sped down the road. I wondered why he decided to join us today...maybe he wanted to talk?

I didn't question it, I didn't want to make him angry. By the time we got to the zoo, the kids got a little louder, more excited. Once parked I go to the back and get them out. Slowly we made our way through the entrance. From there we explored the different areas, such as the aviary. They were really excited to see the birds, then from there, we entered the aquarium.

The twins looked around in awe as I held their hands. Eventually, we came up to a rather large tank where the kids let me go and walked up to the glass. Watching them closely, I then felt Larry come up beside me. Sneakily, I went to hold his hand, but before our fingers could intertwine he rips his hand away. "Don't," he scolds all while pointing at me.

I jolt startled by his actions, I watch as he inches away from me. This made me frustrated- why would he come with us if he was going to act like this? "Is there a reason why you came?" I ask.

"Honestly, I was just bored,"

"Bored? But you skipped work-"

Pointing his finger at me again, his face now contorted into anger, "Shut up! You should be grateful I decided to bring you here, even if I didn't want to be here in the first place-"

Fed up I argue, "No one asked you to do that. You should do this only if you want to! And if you're gonna complain then you can just go!" I snap.

Before I knew it, he had slapped me, and hard, so hard it created a loud clap within the room. My head was cocked to the side due to the strength of the slap he had just given me. Quickly covering the spot, I send a hurt glare his way. There was no shame in his expression, only anger, he meant to do that for a while now, I just didn't think he'd do it in public. "Have fun getting back to Erwin's house, I'm leaving!" he snaps. As he walked away I could hear him say "This was such a fucking waste of time!"

I couldn't stop the tears from brimming at the corners of my eyes. Quickly I rush to the twins who had just witnessed the whole thing. Kneeling before them, I quickly wipe away the tears that began to fall. "Hey, it's okay- I-I'm sorry," I croak.

My face stung as I walked with the two around the zoo a little longer to calm down. I also didn't want to ruin the day for them by leaving early. But my mood was ruined as the whole incident replayed in my head, including the words.

At least the twins were having a good time as they pointed to the different animals. Eventually, we made it to the petting zoo, there I had to hold them both up to let them pet the donkey and horse in the pin before us.

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