"Sound like I've got nothing to worry about then" Hestia told him while getting up from the bed

"Yuji for the next few days I'll be out okay"

"Eh for a job?" Yuji out of shock and confusion

"Nope. I thought I'd say hello to some friends at a party, been a while since I've seen everyone" Hestia told him as soon as she left the church

Than Yuji got all of his equipment together put his coat on and his sword on his back and grabbed his bag and grappled his bag and left as well.

[Streets of Orario]


Yuji was in frount of the bar the one he left yesterday and pacing around being nervous than he stopped moving and faced it.

"Gotta face the music" than he went in front of door, turned the knob and opened it.

"Exuse me" when he went inside he saw two workers inside

"I'm sorry, but we're not open yet" said one of the workers

"Ah, um I'm not a customer, are Syr Flover and the owner here right now-"

While he was talking one of the workers who was a cat person screamed out interrupting him.

"AHHH! The dasher From last night MEOW! The black hair punk who left Syr and threw her out like trash MEOW!"

Than the worker next to her punched her at remarkable speed

"You will be silent." She told her

While all of that was happening someone was coming down from the stairs and it was Syr

"Yuji?" Syr said seeing him there

Then as soon as he saw her he apologized

"I'm sorry about yesterday I took off without paying"

"It's okay don't worry, I'm glad you came back" she told him

"Here, this is what I didn't pay last night, if it's not enough I can pay more" he told her while handing her the money

"Your apology is enough and I need to apologize too"

"What would you need to apologize for?" He told flailing  around and when Syr saw this she started to giggle a bit.

"Ah you're on your way to the dungeon yes? If it's okay please take this with you" she told him handing him a basket of food

"Eh, But I'd fell bad..." Yuji said backing away

"I want to give it to you, Please" she told him in a gentle smile that made his heart beat fast.

"Thanks I'll take it than" than he took the basket from her in defeat.

Than someone came that will make anyone spine shiver and it was the owner

"The boy's here Eh?, came to pay have you how nice." When she said this it made Yuji jolt

Than the owner redirected her attention from him onto the workers

"He ladies brought staring and get back to work" than she moved her eyes to look ate him and made a slight smirk

"Seriously if you were a day later I would've hunted you down and made you scream." She told him as she smacked on the back

'THAT WAS CLOSE!!" Yuji thought to himself

"Syr should you give him that to him, you'll have no lunch"

"Why're you suffering on his account, meow?" Said the cat person

"Hee, Hee It's obvious Meow, that boy's Syr's." Said another cat person while teasing Syr

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Syr screamed out loud in a blushing face

"You should say another thank you to Syr, without her word you'd be swimming with fishes about now HAHA" she told him while laughing out loud

'Seriously not funny' Yuji thought to himself

"Adventures can't get by looks alone, getting stronger doesn't make you better, just focus your might on staying alive"

When Yuji heard what she was saying it made him open his eyes on what he should be doing.

"Last one standing on both feet is the best got that? No matter how painful it is, Than come back here and pump you up full of booze and you'll be a winner"

But once she said that Yuji had his mouth wide open on what she said than she gave him another snack

"Don't give me that nasty face, You made say that much so don't go dying on me now"

"Count on it" he told her with a smile

"Thank you see you again!" Yuji told them as he made his was to the dungeon

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