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"EHHHHHHHHHH,Goddess, are you sure this is right?, my ability scores went up over a total of 160 points? And look, I only got hit once and my vitality went up by 30 points? And my strength and dexterity, Too! This has never happened before!" I told Goddess in an excited tone

When I got back from the dungeon, Goddess suggested that let's update my status but I didn't know it'll go up this much.

G-Goddess? I called out to her when she slowly turned her head to me with a little pout on her face.

"So, um, Why did I grow so much, so quickly?" I asked her

"Don't ask me!" She yelled out as she was rummaging through the closet

"Goddess, Goddess, Goddess where are you going?" I told as she stopped walking away

"A-A party with my co-workers!, you can go have a wonderful diner and a great time all by yourself!" She said out loud as she ran out of the church

"Goddess?" I sat there dumbfounded on what's wrong with her

Later that night Hestia was on a tower sitting down by herself

"What's with Yuji, I can't believe he grew so much because of that skill...Does he still like that Wallenstein girl that much? But he's got me already!" She said as she threw a rock

[Yuji POV]

Yuji made his way in the city at the same bar he was in the morning

'The benevolent mistress...so this is the name of the bar Huh' he told himself as he pecked inside

As he made his way inside he was greeted by the same girl he met this morning

"You're that adventurer!, you came" she said in a cheerful voice


"I haven't introduced myself. My name is Syr Flover." She told me while bowing her head

As he was seated down he was met by someone working the bar and with so much food in front of me

"So you're Syr's friend?, you're pretty cute, for an adventurer" she told Yuji but it was more like teasing.

"Ha Ha thanks" he told he with an awkward laugh

Than he started to count how much money the food is.

"This is 300 valis, and the drink is 200 valis... and thanks to that drop item I have 4400 valis, but I really want to save money for the Familia." Than another large tray was slammed in his face

"It's not enough, right?, here's today special" the bartender said with a smile on her face

"I didn't order that!"

"Don't hold back! You're still young." She told him as she went back to serving other customers

"Today's special..."

Than as looked at the price of it his face went in shock

"It's 850 valis?!"

"Well?, are you having fun?" Syr asked in a gentle smile

"I'm a little overwhelmed"

"HEHE, sorry, it looks like I'll be able to count on getting paid a lot tonight." She said in a smile and as well as a teasing voice

"I'm glad for you" Yuji said in a sarcastic tone as he took a bite out of the food.

"Isn't it great how many different kinds of people come from here? When there's so many people, there's so many things to discover...I can't help but get excited. You could say my hobby is meeting new people...it make my heart pound." Syr said to Yuji as she was looking at all the people enjoying themeselves

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