"I know," she nodded then she turned to look at Jennie, who was still looking back at her with guilt filled up her eyes.

"I forgive you, Jennie," Jisoo said softly, "You took me without my consent, but you did it to save my life. Besides, what's done is done."

"Oh god, thank you Jisoo," Jennie breathed, "Thank you so much."

"So that means you're going to take responsibility of my best friend now?" Joy asked.

"What?" Jisoo and Jennie said together, turning around to look at her.

"I'm just kidding," Joy said.

"You're a jerk, Joy," Jisoo said.

"Hey, at least I apologized after I kicked Jennie's butt,"

"As far as I remember, you fell on yours," Jennie said.

"That's because you used your witch magic!"

Jisoo and I looked at each other and then burst out giggling at that. Some people never change.

"By the way, guys..." I said later, "I have an announcement to make."

"Ohhh!" Joy cried out, jumping excitedly. Jisoo was also grinning.

"Oh calm down! Joy," I turned to her. "I just want to say that... I would like to withdraw myself from the energy donation. Because Lisa and I... we're in a relationship now."

"That's my girl!" Joy cheered, coming to wrap her arms around me.

"I knew you two are perfect together," Jisoo said, coming out of bed to give me a hug too, except Jennie who stood watching us.

"I hope you understand, Jennie," I said. "I don't want to make it weird if I still continue being a donor."

"That's okay," she just said with a small smile. "I'm getting better now."


I had trouble falling asleep that night. I lay in bed watching the rerun of my day inside my head. But when I did fall asleep, I dreamed again.

I was standing in a room that looked like a national museum. There were ancient sculptures and statues displaying around the area and on the walls. The cold marble floor was covered in red carpet.

At the center of the room was a long golden chest hovered under the spotlight. When I looked harder at the object, the chest seemed more like an ancient coffin with all the carvings on each side.

Then a group of men filled into the place. Each of them wore black coats with their red glowing eyes scanning around, except the one walking in front of them. Suddenly, I recognized the man, and it sent a cold chill from my back to my skull, because he was my evil uncle, Viktor.

He walked up to the golden coffin and then a devilish smile plastered across his pale face.

"Finally, we've found the sarcophagus," he laughed coldly.

"The archeologists unearthed it from the bottom of a stone temple. It was found in the city of Angkor, your highness," one of the guys said.

"Very interesting," Viktor muttered. "Now open the lid."

Six of them came to lift the stone cover open. It seemed quite heavy despite their giant strength. I could see inside the coffin was a deformed body. It hadn't been mummified in strips of clothes or anything, just a plain twisted figure of a dead person. I couldn't even sure whether the corpse was male or female. With dried skin covered the bones and sunken eyes with lips shrinking over the yellow teeth. And the corpse was sleeping peacefully.

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