3 Am

974 15 10

- continues from last part -

"Ok are we ready to start?" Karl asks as he hovers over the start button a continues yes is heard around the room "ok let's go" Karl says as he presses the button
"Hey chat!" Everyone yells as the stream starts

After we do an introduction to the stream we start answering questions

(Im gonna put names infront of each sentence so y'all know who is talking:) )

Karl- " who's your guys favorite band?"
Y/n- "CHASE ATLANTIC!!!" I yell first
Tommy- "we know y/nn"
Alex- " are you guys single"
Karl- "no Im litterly married "
Y/n- "YOU ARE??"
Nick- " you need to start watching the lore y/n"
Y/n- " you know what that makes sense it's lore.."

The QnA stream goes for another few hours and then it ends
"That was fun huh?" Clay asks me "yeah it was pretty fun"
"We should do Minecraft next time though" George says butting into our conversation
" I agree" nick says as he passes by us to get to the kitchen
"AAAAA" a loud scream is heard from upstairs so me dream George and sapnap all run to see what it is and there's Alex on the counter because there's a rat "KILL IT" "Alex it's a rat why would we kill it " dream  says as he goes to catch it
"That's creepy " I say as I walk away as I'm walking I get pulled into one of the rooms it's gray " y/n " "hm?" "I think your pretty"
"Thank you" "wanna hang out later " "I can't sorry I have a video to edit " " I can edit it for you " "no it's ok thanks though" that's the last thing I say before I walk out of his room I love gray I think he's a wonderful person but he's becoming a little to pushy and it's starting to be annoying but I ignore it, and go on with my night and that's when I realize that stream took so long it already 2:46 Am and that if I didn't make my way down now I'd be late, but of course Wilbur is in the living room watching TV with Nick so there is no way I can go through the front door I guess I have to go the hard way , I walk into my room and twords the window it's a pretty good drop but Im perpared so I grab my rope and place it down the window and place it under my dresser as soon as I know it I'm safe on the ground I start running to the front yard

"Someone's excited to see me " tommy says as he stares at me
"Um no I just didn't wanna be late so I ran " I say shrugging "whatever y/nn" he says as he grabs my hand leading me somewhere soon we arrive at a little picnic table placed by the beach it so pretty at night "wow tommy this is really pretty " I say thinking out loud " thanks I knew you would like it" he says still gripping my hand , "anyways what are we here for " I say getting to the point " y/n I have to tell you something very important " "what's up tomathy " "well- Did you just call me fucking tomathy y/nn you really thought this was the best time-" " sorry go on " I say smiling at him kinda pleased with his reaction " well like I was saying I have something to tell you and I want you to believe be ok?" "Ok what is it Simons spit it out "  " I like you"

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