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Its 8 am on A Friday and y/n just woke up after the event's of yesterday she passed out right away and woke up a little earlier then planned after she does her routine she usually does she decides to stream its now 11:16 am she gets lost in the streaming and finely notices the time is 4:56

"SHIT IM LATE!" She rushes to end the stream and starts the walk to her aunt's house on the way she is lost in thought of meeting tommy in real life it seems so unrealistic and the fact it's happening is totally insane by the time she is happy in thought she's at your aunt's house she rings the door bell three times before it opens

"Y/N! YOUR LATE" your aunt yells in a joking angry manner

"Im so very sorry aunty I was streaming" you say in an apologiec voice

"It's okay dear just come inside it's godamn cold out here " she says waving you inside

You gladly step inside and out of the cold and as soon as you step in you meet eyes with Tommy and can't help but Stare for a bit longer then you should have because tommy awkwardly waves at you, you immediately flush red and walk to the bathroom you close the door and sit down on the cold tile floor
"Goddamn it " you whisper under your breath you couldn't help but Stare he's ethereal his blue eyes are shocking almost way more blue in person and he has a very kind energy to him you know it sounds cringy but it's true eventually you walk out of the bathroom and sit with them at the dining table

"So you must be y/n " a very kind looking woman says

"Um yes I am " you say in a shy matter which is weird because usually you aren't shy at all but it is tommy's mom so I guess that probably is a reason

"Well y/n you aunt says that your a lovely girl and tommy agrees" she says giving a sly smile

Tommy looks at his mom in a mad look but then shrugs it off and looks back to you " y/n why don't you do a face reveal you really are quite pretty" he says with some confidence

You look at him with disbelief and try to stutter up some words but you can't find them and hide your face in your hands you hear tommy chuckle as soon as you do it he then says

"Y/n are you hiding from me?" You can tell he's holding back a laugh

"No I'm not mr tommy " you say uncovering your face and everyone at the table except you Burst out laughing "what's so funny" you say while crossing your arms

"Y-y-YOUR SO RED " tommy says with uncontrollable laughter

"I- and why would I be red" you say in a stern tone
Tommy's eyes meet yours again and this time he keeps them there while he talks
"Maybe because I get you all flustered" a smirk appears on his face as you turn red, you keep your eyes locked and smile and say " maybe it's true innit" and this time it gets him red he averts his gaze from you and says "great now I'm all red" the adults are still laughing it up while all this is happening

A few hours later you all ate and now you and tommy are outside talking

" So y/n what do you do for fun" he says looking at you with a kind smile

"Well I like to take walks alot " you say while imagining going on a walk with Tommy "how about we go on a walk tommy" you couldn't help your self it just popped out you look down a bit embarrassed " yeah we can go on a walk " he says while standing up
Your about to stand up when he reaches to help you up you take his hand and start on your way at first you walk in silence but this silence isn't an awkward one it's ineffable it's comforting and calm and although they hadn't known eachother long it feels like they've known eachother for years but finely he breaks the silence

"I like to write" it's a simple sentence but she knows exactly what he's talking about

"My god" (Tommy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now