beach day

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- continues last chapter-

"Ok we're here Losers " Alex says stopping and stepping out of the car
" Losers? More like Losers and hot girl" I say flipping my hair
"Sure "hot " girl" tommy says doing air quotes "wow tommy at least buy Me a drink first " I say rolling my eyes "Wha- NO I WAS KIDDING Y/N!?" "I know tommy call down I say shooting him a wink"

"Looks like someone's brave " Hannah says as I walk by her " I don't know maybe it's the fact I'm not alone with him right now" I say shrugging "you know Grayson has been wanting to meet you " she says smiling at me "oh really?"
"Yeah he talks about you alot"

I continue to Walk alone because Hannah goes to talk to Niki I see Clay and nick chase George and I realized I see everyone but tommy I'm confused until I feel two arms crab my waist
He giggles" this is what you get for trying to be brave " he says as he carries me closer to the water "TOMMY AAAA HELP GUYS" I scream because we're two inches away from the water and suddenly I fall to the soft sand because someone a particular someone kicks Tommy's legs knocking him down saving me and you wanna know who it is? It's Grayson

"What the fuck man?" Tommy says laying on his back Grayson completely ignores tommy as he helps me up

" Hello im Grayson" he says smiling at me holding his hand out
I don't wanna be rude so I except his handshake
"I'm y/n but you can call me y/nn " I say returning the smile and then I turn away to help Tommy up

"You ok tomster?" I say grabbing his wrist pulling him up
" Yeah thank you  y/nn" he says smiling at me
"HEY TOMMY Y/N COME OVER HERE " ranboo yells waving us over twords him and tubbo

"Race you " I say making eye contact with tommy "o-" I cut him off as I sprint for it
"Y/N THATS CHEATING!!" He says sprinting after me soon he's right beside me but I notice him slowing down so I win the race I mentally aw and then wipe it out of my mind and continue running until I make it twords tubbo and ranboo

"What's up guys?" I say look at ranboo and tubbo " we wanted to go paddle boarding with you and tommy "ranboo says looking at me and tommy " ok sou-" "but we only have two paddle boards so we're gonna have to share " tubbo says cutting tommy off "oh okay who's going with who?" I say scanning everyone around us
"Me and Toby" ranboo says smiling at tubbo
"Alright tomster me and you" I say standing on my tiptoes to pat on his back
"Ugh why am I always stuck with the woman" he says playfully rolling his eyes
" Oh shut up and let's go"

After we get on them and we're far in the ocean tommy starts wobbling the board because he knows I'm scared of deep water "DEAR GOD TOMMy!" I yell trying to keep balance but he doesn't stop and keeps moving it so eventually I get so scared we're gonna tip I hug tommy tightly "please tommy " I say genuinely scared *hey y/n it's ok im sorry" he says patting my back I take a deep breath because I hear this dickhead say hold on and we were soon both in the water "TOMMY" I yell as I hold onto him and put my head in the crook of his neck he  moves my face to face his "y/n calm down it's ok im here " I make eye contact and he stares into my eyes and he soon starts inching his face closer to mince staring at my lips but alas the moment is rubies by tubbo and ranboo screaming because they tipped me and tommy soon swim pretty far from each other oh this is gonna be a "great" ride home

"My god" (Tommy x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu