Dark Glaciers Ch. 2

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Glacinia has now grown, she is the age of 6. Her eyes are a icy blue with a red pupil, and he hair is a vibrant red, much like her mother's. Glacinia had grown so much, in intelligence and in height, she was already 4'9" and still growing. Much to everyone's surprise however, Glacinia had a hatred for cute things, quote literally ordering her closest friend, Giblet, to bash the creature's skull in if it so much as looks at her the wrong way.

Glacinia also learns things faster than most, she spends days at a time, without food, studying in the vast library of the mages, almost never resting. Her knowledge is now only lower than Gnarls, but by no means any less valuable. Giblet and Glacinia have grown to have a more, brother and sister like attachment, as youll never find her in trouble without Giblet being too far from it either.

Giblet enjoys their time together, as they both enjoy bashing skulls in, but they also love mischief, Glacinia being the princess of it. She came into her magic prowess at a young age, the necklace that was to bind them not being able to hold all of her magic back. With this she found an aptitude for ice magic, illusion magic, healing magic, and this carries on, listing a few more weak but useful magic abilities.

However, Giblet was not her only friend, she had grown close to the granddaughter of the old mage. They were more like study buddies, always reading up on magic and whatnot. Pulling pranks on Gnarl, like replacing his lantern for a bee's hive, or putting flowers on his bed, oh how he hates that one.

But not much happened in this old village since Glacinia, Gnarl, Kelda, and the brown minions have arrived, until the massive Glaciers began to appear. However, all these were caused by Glacinia herself, she figured out what was holding her dark powers back, and so she removed and destroyed what had bound her.

Sadly for poor old Gnarl, all of this had to happen on the day he was meant to relax, drink a barrel of Dwarven Beer that he had saved, and watch the minions build the tower, but no, Glacinia had frozen the entire bloody tower. So Gnarl rushed his old and weary ass up the frozen tower steps, to bite the head off the best who had caused this.

As he got to the top of the tower, where the living quarters were for Kelda and Glacinia, he discovered that Glacinia had truly awoken her magic powers. They may not have been at full strength, but she could control them... too well... Glacinia noticed Gnarl and began to clean up her diabolical mess, the ice began to melt rapidly, but too much of it was there, so she broke off parts of the ice with her magic.

Gnarl hobbled his way over to Glacinia and grabbed her ear with his boney paws and pulled her head towards his mouth... And yelled "WHAT THE HELL!?!? YOU DO REALIZE WE CAN'T CREATE ANYMORE BLOODY MINIONS!?" Glacinia gave him a dissatisfied look "And you act like I give a flying fuck?" Gnarl was wide eyed, but smiled and let go of her ear "You are truly your father's daughter, just as evil!" Gnarl praised as he left the room.

Glacinia smiled and ran off, possibly to find Giblet so they could cause more mayhem! The duo couldn't do it without one another, so why should she leave him waiting, those sheep need a good bashing!

Glacinia ran through the tower-to-be to locate Giblet, who would be in his forge... bashing... like usual. She had learned much of the art of bashing from Giblet, which is Giblets way of saying forging, as she believed the best armor can only come from it's own wearer. She was surprised to see her mother in the forge room going over plans for something.

Thanks to her aptitude with illusion magic, she made herself invisible, and began sneaking for a look. Her mother, Kelda, seemed very focused on the plans, and even got excited when Giblet understood what she meant, as she could never seem to simplify things for the minions.

The plans were for a crystal, shaped much like a orb. Many of the words stated that this would be an ultimate weapon to defend the tower, Kelda had dubbed it the name Obelisk of Chaos. The Obelisk was too be built alongside the tower when it was finished, this would out a barrier around the tower and force any who tried to get near the tower to forget who they're and become brain dead until they got a certain distance away from the tower.

The plans were definitely not written by Kelda, as they got too in depth with magic which isn't her strong suit, more likely it was written by the old mage. Giblet jumped with excitement "Will this make enemy's go BOOOM!?" Kelda gave Giblet a agitated look "No, it won't, the same answer I gave you the other 76 times you asked."

Glacinia ran out the room and deactivated her Invisibility spell. She then walked into the room again and acted like she hadn't been in there for the entire day. When Kelda noticed her, she casually cleaned up her plans and smiled to Glacinia "I suppose you're either hear to get Giblet so you can go beat up some of those sheep, or you're going to ask him for more forging lessons? Either way it's none of my business." Kelda said as she walked to the door.

Kelda turned back and spoke in a concerned manner "Oh do be careful no matter what you do, I don't want my little suffering bringer to get hurt now, or else I'd have to bring the pain of a pissed off mother upon those who had hurt you." Glacinia laughed "Don't worry Mama, I'll make sure they lose the hands they raise in my direction!" Kelda joined in in the laughter, and so did Giblet, for god's sake they didn't know why but he did.

Glacinia grabbed Giblets claw and they ran outside of the tower to mutilate so defenseless sheep. However the business Kelda had to do today wasn't over just yet, as she went to go visit Gnarl. There was more to be done, and it was about to e for Glacinia to focus more in her combative skills over her intellectual one's. This meant they needed a suitable teacher for Glacinia.

Gnarl had figured out who long before Kelda arrived, and he had already had the minions go retrieve her. The person he had retrieved was none other than the old woman Jewel, the thief and only remaining member of the Seven Heroes left alive. Kelda opened the doors of the dungeons where Gnarl and Jewel were.

Kelda glared at Gnarl "I thought we were going to decide together, so that we could go through all the options properly!" Gnarl took a step back and smiled Nervously "I was but this one was going to disappear if I didn't send the minions to retrieve her, but I think we should focus on this decision for now." Kelda sighed and nodded her head as they both turned their attention fully on their prisoner.

The old woman Jewel, looked angry and spoke the same as he look "I spent years in your dungeons and now I'm right back here. But I suppose it's for a different reason?" Gnarl nodded and spoke in a growl "Yes, we want you to train the daughter of the 4th Overlord, Glacinia. I believe she could learn much of your fighting style, as you can kill any minion with a single slash of your blades!"

Jewel smiled "Now why would I do that? You destroyed everything I had built, kept me in your dungeon for years, and killed the only man who loved me! What would make me want t-" she was interrupted by Kelda "We could always torture you, cut off your fingers with this mini guillotine, and even pull out your eye, so I'd choose wisely what your next words will be," Jewel was wide eyed and shaking "Ok, fine I'll train her! Just don't do any of that stuff to me! I don't do pain."

And thus, Glacinia got her first trainer, someone who will train her in the art of the duel blades!

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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