The Final Moments Ch. 1

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Beginning from the very start, the Fourth Overlord, nicknamed the Witch-Boy by his fellow Nordbergians for his aptitude for magic. He was defending his reign for the very last time, the newly formed Rising Sun Empire were marching on him, with the bound magic monsters of the Legions of Desolation banging on the doors. Although a quiet warrior, the Witch-Boy did care for his three mistresses, only he cared for the first one the most, Kelda.

As of late they had been dealing with the Legions and Empire to end their rising fury, but to no avail. The Elves that were once Loyal to the third mistress, Queen Fay, were now apart of the Rising Sun Empires rebellion. And if all that weren't bad enough, he had his newborn child to protect "Sire, you must escape now while you still have a chance!! The minions will hold them back, despite their low numbers, they will fight until their last breaths!" Growled Gnarl.

The Fourth looked panicked, tired, and angry, the battles had been waging for a few years now and it was starting to weigh on him. He turned to Gnarl and simply shook his head and pointed his massive gauntlet towards the escape route. Gnarl knew what he had done, and what he was doing, the minions would only buy a little time, but the Fourth Overlord would get them hours of time.

Gnarl opened his mouth to plea to the Overlord, to help him see reason but he found no words could convince the Dark Lord to change his mind. Gnarl turned to the remaining minions of all colors and barked his final orders "All of you! Grab your individual hives and scatter, the Empire dogs will destroy it upon seeing it! You four browns, help Kelda escape, she's still weak from childbirth!" Barked Gnarl.

The minions got to work, gathering their hives and leaving to hide away where their abilities will be at their peak. Gnarl turned and began to walk away before the Fourth Overlord grabbed his shoulder and said some of the few words he'll ever say "DESTROY THE EMPIRE, DESTROY THE LEGION, BRING MAYHEM!" Boomed the voice of the Dark Lord as Gnarl nodded and ran for the escape route.

Before leaving Gnarl took one final glimpse at his soon to be dead Overlord, the gates had collapsed and he was now fighting, forcing the Empire back with his raw power and combat ability. Gnarl smiled and muttered under his breath "I'm going to miss this Overlord, but I need to groom to next, yet again." Before disappearing into the tunnels

Kelda, was resting, it took her hours to give birth to the child, seeing has how the baby was born with Magic surpassing her father's. Gnarl began barking orders to the browns, ordering two to begin scouting ahead and looking for places to build the new Dark Tower, when Kelda awoke "No tower..... Too noticable.... Lay low...." These were the only words she could say before losing consciousness.

Again Gnarl barked orders, telling them to find a suitable village to raise their potential Dark Lord. The minions nodded after reserving their orders and began searching, they needed a place to raise the child as soon as possible. It took a month, until one minion returned from his scouting. He had found a village in a barren wasteland, but when you get withing a certain distance from the village, it becomes cooler and full of vegetation.

Kelda had long since recovered from having given birth and agreed upon the location, like she had any choice in the matter, it took a week to arrive at the village, and surprisingly, they were welcomed with open arms. The people here were different, they were nice to outsiders, and especially to Keldas newborn child. The rushed Kelda and Gnarl to the leader of the community's home.

The house was old but very well kept, it had white paint on the outside walls and a red roof, to the right was an attached building, possibly a library if he was intelligent, or a dining hall if he wanted to make friends out of the Minions. There was a tower connected to the small house as well, with unknown purposes to both Gnarl and Kelda.

The door swung open to reveal an old man with a beard reaching down to his knees. He held an old wooden cane with a hook at the top and a gemstone in the center that glowed a vibrant blue. His robes reeked of tar and smoke "Ah, and who might these two be?" He spoke with a deep and wide voice. One of the villagers walked forward and spoke to him with the highest of respect "Sir, these three are quite extraordinary people, we all since high magical aptitude." The old man looked at the three misfits and raised an eyebrow.

He waved a hand, motioning the three to enter his home. Although not trusting the old man, the three proceeded to enter the home. It was a pleasant warm temperature that seemed to change to your own preference, for Kelda it was chilly, for Gnarl it was as hit as the Overlords Throne Room. There appeared to be many ingredients laying about the room, and papers all over the place.

The Old Man laughed lightly "I wouldn't have expected for a old minion of the Dark Lord, one of his mistresses, and his daughter to arrive on my doorstep today, but I sense a issue arose for you to come here to Briorflame vollage. Could it have to do with the death of the child's father?" He said calmly, Gnarl growled lightly before speaking "We are here to raise the next potential Dark Lord, we don't need to ask you for permission, we'll just wipe out everyone who lives here to raise the child!" Gnarl said angrily.

The Old Man smiled "What? With the twelve brown minions remaining? With your hive exposed? With you being in the presences of 100 mages? You wouldn't stand any chance, but I do not feel the need for a fight." The Old Man said calmer than what he had said before "For one, the child needs a name, for two, you need someone to protect you from the Legion and Empire, and for three, we can teach the child how to use their magic." Gnarl stared and him, blankly, obviously thinking on what he should do in this situation.

Unlucky for him he didn't have time to think before Kelda smiled, while staring at her baby. Kelda turned her head and spoke "If we're to give my child a name, it will be Nordbergian, Glacinia, fore her heart will be tough like an glacier, and her mind as sharp as the shards that come off of one upon being stricken." The Old Smiled "A wonderful name for your daughter, and I should've introduced myself sooner, I am Shenorath, leader of Briorflame."

Gnarl looked at him with disgust and Kelda didn't want to particularly be around him, both of which Shenorath could sense "Stay your hearts, I have no ill intent towards you three, now I will take care of your living arrangements while you live here, and here's a necklace-" Shenorath grabbed a necklace from his sleeve and handed it to Kelda "It will dampen little Glacinia's magic, preventing her from destroying us all on accident."

Kelda grabbed the necklace from Shenorath old bony hand cautiously, still not trusting the old mage. Suddenly a little boy ran in from another room yelling "Grandpa, Grandpa, I finally did it!" Shenorath turned and smiled "Ah, so you discovered how to use the levitation spell?" The boy nodded his head excitedly "Yes! It took me a month but I finally did it!" Through the door the boy ran through a baby's laugh could be heard, and soon the baby was too, only it was floating, in the air, a good five feat in the air.

Shenorath went wide eyed, almost enough to see his eyes I feel his long eyebrows. He ran and dispelled the spell and catching the baby "Alethor, I told you not to cast spells on your sister, she's only a month old and you've already endangered her life 15 times this week." The Alethor laughed "Yeah, I got really bored and knew you'd react like this, so I took my opportunity to do it while I did." The boy continued to laugh while Shenorath rubbed his temples.

He turned to Gnarl and returned to a calm face "You, old minion, I want you to find a suitable spit to begin building your Dark Tower, the people of the village will provide the necessary life energy to make as many minions as you need. Until your tower is constructed however, Glacinia and the still beautiful Kelda will remain in the village, under my personal protection." Both Kelda and Gnarl stood from their seat and went to the exit, where they were let out without questions.

Kelda smiled and turned to Gnarl " Was Glacinia a good name? It was kinda on the spot and rushed" Gnarl turned to her and laughed "Is it a good name? IS IT A GOOD NAME?! It's a decent name but by no means good, it has an, evil ring to it." Kelda sighed "Well at least it fits the them of Witch-Boy's daughter. I do believe we should get used to our new accommodations, and you should get started on that damn tower already, Gnarl." Gnarl nodded and became to summon the remaining brown minions to construct the tower. While Kelda became to walk to her temporary home.

And that's Chapter one, I'll only make more if this gets a good turnout. Cover's are always appreciated for this story as I don't have the artistic skill to do it myself. Do let me know if you enjoy this story and how it will progress later on. JA NE!

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