-Icky Sickies- MiriTama

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Artist: mua.

❤️ YOU @Savanna_Valdez!!! THIS IS ESPECIALLY FOR YOU✨✨

⚠️TW: Vomit, Sickness, Anxiety ⚠️

Tamaki collected his notebooks, sighing heavily. It had been a long day but it was barely halfway through; in fact, his class was just about ready for lunch.

Actually, it might not be so bad. Mirio was out for a bit, finishing up a some physical therapy due to the serious injuries he'd sustained during their Overhaul fight; so, they'd get to see him at lunch.

Uhhhg! Another painful stomach cramp hit Amajiki. He'd had the worst anxious stomachache all day, not helped by his seething nervous headache. Uhg, he was so tired.

"Mmmmmmhhhhgggggh..." He closed his eyes, crouching down in the corner.

"C'mon bud! Get off the floor and come eat!" Nejire playfully poked the back of his head.

"Nejireeeeee, I don't want to!" He whined, burying his head in his knees.

"Mirio's waiting on us!" She laughed, tugging on his arm. That got him. Reluctantly, he got dragged along by his optimistic friend, grumbling the whole way.

Sure enough, the blond was standing in the middle of the cafeteria, smiling and waving. The sight of his boyfriend, set a small smile at the timid boys lips as he walked over. Just seeing Miro made him feel slightly better.

They took to their usual table, Amajiki offering to save their seats while the other two got their lunches.

He didn't want to eat, he wanted a nap. Tamaki laid his head on the table, it was pounding worse than before and the bright fluorescent lights weren't helping. Despite having taken his meds this morning, this anxiety induced sickness wouldn't leave.

"What should I get for ya?" Mirio asked, clutching his boyfriend's warm, sweaty, hand. Worry furrowed his brows, a gentle hand resting on the ravenette's back. "Hey Tams, you good?"

"I wanna go home." He whined, giving his friends a laugh.

"I think he's fine." Nejire smiled, fluffing his hair.

"Nejireeeeee! You're so meeannnn." The teen complained.

"Okay you two." Mirio laughed. "I'll just get you some Takoyaki and juice."

"Miri, I'm not hungry."

"I'm gonna get you something anyways. You can't forget to fuel your body!" With that, Tamaki's friends headed off to get their food.

He really did want to go home. The smells and sights of food were making his suffering stomach do backflips. Why was everything so miserable? He thought woefully.

The two returned minutes later, brining trays of food with them. Ew, food. The sick boy buried his head further in his arms.

"C'mon Tams, you gotta eat something." Togata commented, after a few minutes of his boyfriend, hiding.

"I said I wasn't hungry." He mumbled.

"Just one thing? How 'bout one takoyaki and a sip of juice?" Their female friend bartered.


"Pleaseeeee?" Mirio's big, blue, puppy-dog eyes pleaded.

"Fine." Takmaki was weak against those eyes.

The normally delicious fried octopus ball, tasted awful in his mouth. It took all of his effort to swallow it without gagging but he finally did it, washing away the taste with a sickeningly sweet juice.

MHA OneShots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora