Chapter 1: Who is that?

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"We're almost there. Y/N?" Steve asked looking to the passenger seat to see Y/N fully passed out with drool starting to form in the corner of their mouth.

He nudged their shoulder, jolting them awake.

"AH! Jesus. Uncle Steve, you know I hate when you wake me up like that." Y/N shook their body trying to wake themselves up and orient their brain enough to be human.


The tires of Steve's new truck kicked up dust as they started down the driveway to the compound. The sun was just hitting the top of the sky with a few clouds blocking the rays enough to make it a bit cooler than usual. Y/N looked around, trying to see if anything had changed in the past few years since they visited last.

"The outside doesn't look too different. I assume Tony put some new toys inside though." Y/N as Steve and them laughed.

They both exited the truck and made their way up to the large wooden front doors. "Anyone you're excited to see?" Steve asked.

Y/N puffed their cheeks and blew out a bit as they thought about who they missed in the past few years. "Not really. I missed everyone. I'm really just excited to finally be a part of this and not JUST your great-nibling."

Before Steve could open the door, a large red man opened them and welcomed them in. Y/N's eyes widened as far as they could go knowing that they were not told about this new red... robot? Human? Alien? Whatever it was, they were not prepared to see them. Steve laughed and nudged Y/N's shoulder. "I was going to tell you about Vision, but I wanted to see your reaction first."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I've heard many great things about you." Vision stated with a smile.

After shaking their head to try and wrap their mind around the new robotic addition, they walked inside while looking around to see who's just past the foyer and in the kitchen.

"Y/N!" Darcy yelled as she rushed over to see them. "It's been so long! Oh my god, we've missed you. Where have you been? What have you been up to? You have to catch me up. I can't wait to-"

"Darcy! Shit, give Y/N a chance to breathe." Tony interjected before Darcy got too far gone. Everyone laughed at the banter between the two as Y/N continued looking around to see who else was there. 

Carol and Thor were near the back of the kitchen laughing. Bruce walked up from the living area waving hello. Clint's head was hanging off the back of the couch as loud snores erupted from his throat, nothing new there.

As Y/N finished looking around, they land their eyes on Nat. "NATASHA! It's so good to see you. How have you been?" They exclaimed while hugging her tightly around the neck. Nat is one of the only ones Y/N stayed in contact with because she's always been the closest with Y/N's uncle Steve.

"Oh wow, look at you! It's so good to see you, Y/N. Giving Steve hell lately, I hope?" She smirked as she pulled back and looked over at Steve who was already shaking his head at her.

"You know it." Y/N replied.

While Nat was catching up with Steve and Y/N, most everyone else had gone back to their previous activities. Barton was still asleep on the couch while Darcy had made her way to join the conversation between the three.

"...and yeah. That's how things ended between Maria and I. It's been about six months, so it doesn't sting as bad anymore. It just sucks that I wasted all of that time on her." Y/N ended their long story in response to Darcy's "Who are you dating now?" question.

"I'm so sorry that happened, Y/N. You know you never deserved that sort of treatment, right?" Nat reached a hand out to rest on their forearm. She's always been incredibly protective over Y/N, almost as though Y/N were her own family, and had threatened to hurt Maria nearly ten times over during the story.

"Yes, I know. Trust me. I'm just finally in a good spot again. It's nice to be alone, for once."

Tony jumped in quickly, asking Steve and Nat if they had shown Y/N to their room yet. "I know how much you love the new things I come up with, even if they aren't always totally safe, so I put some stuff for you to fool around with in your room," Tony stated with a wink to Y/N.

Y/N had always enjoyed spending time with Tony in the lab while he created new, and often dangerous, stuff. As their eyes lit up at the news of new technology to mess with, Pepper smacked the back of Tony's arm. "Even if it's not safe, Tony? Seriously? You better double check everything before-"

"Pepper! Pepper, honey. I did. No need to worry." He stated while running his hands down the sides of her arms. She and Y/N know Tony well enough to know that he most likely has no idea how safe any of the tech is, but Y/N didn't care much.

Steve started to talk, but Y/N was quickly drawn to a face they hadn't seen before that entered the kitchen from the elevator. A shorter, dirty blonde woman walked out and towards Nat, quickly glancing over to catch Y/N's stare. 

When she caught Y/N, this threw them back to the present quickly where they could hear Steve talking again, though they were still terribly unfocused.

"...and as long as you're prepared for Y/N to most likely break whatever you put in there, I don't really care what you did with the room," Steve responded back to Tony.

Y/N quickly nudged his arm to get his attention while the woman was distracted and talking to Nat. "Hey, who is that? You didn't tell me about an attractive new one?!? Rude." Y/N asked while holding down a laugh.

Steve's eyebrow quirked up at the question before looking over to see Nat speaking with the woman Y/N had just asked about. "Oh, that's Yelena Belova. Nat's sister."

"SISTER?!" Y/N asks in a hushed but forced tone. "Neither of you ever told me that she has a sister?! And that she's stunning?!"

While questioning Steve, Yelena caught Y/N's eyes again. After showing a small smirk and looking back to Nat, Steve knocked his elbow into Y/N's. "Looks like maybe she's thinking the same of you?"

Swallowing hard, Y/N raised their eyebrows and darted their eyes over to the hall. "Can you show me to my room before I embarrass myself in front of her?" They both laughed as Steve pointed his head down the hall.

"Of course. Let's go."

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