The beginning:

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{some info to know before you read this story, everyone learned Korean before they came to South Korea on their vacation}

[Everyone arrives at the venue]

Oliver: Whoa! This is huge! Is this where the Dream Concert will be held?

Piko: Yep! I'm quite nervous since there'll be so many people but I've wanted to go to one of these for a long time.

Fukase: Pshhhh. What's so cool about a bunch of middle-aged people running around on a stage?

Len: Fukase! Concerts are much more than that! These idols put hours upon hours of hard work to put on the best show possible for all their fans.

Fukase: Well-

Flower: You two! We agreed no fighting at the concert.

Fukase: I never agreed to come here in the first place!

Flower: As long as your here you agree now stop before I make you both sleep on the floor tonight.

Fukase and Len: Fiiiiiine.

Oliver: So Piko! Can you tell me more about Dream Concert? I want to know what else there is here!

Piko: Well, Dream Concert is one of the biggest and longest lasting joint concerts in all of South Korea. Many different artists gather here to perform. It's a huge milestone to perform at this stage as only the most popular groups are invited here as part of the lineup after all.

Len: Sounds like a huge event!

Piko: It is. Thousands of Kpop fans gather from all around the world to support their favorite idols. It only makes sense it's held in South Korea's largest venue, The Seoul Olympic Stadium.

Flower: This seems like a huge deal then. Who are the artists performing?

Piko: *looks at the pamphlet for the event* Looks like this year, we're going to have mostly 4th Gen groups a.k.a groups that came out in the last two years. The ones I'm most excited for are ITZY, Momoland, Brave Girls, NCT Dream, Golden Child, and Astro. Here, this tells you all the artists performing!

Everyone - Piko: *looks over the artists performing*

Oliver: Wow! There are so many artists on the lineup. And we're gonna watch them all?

Piko: Yep! I've wanted to go for ages now. I'm so glad our trip to South Korea lined up with the day of the concert!

Fukase: Yeah, like we couldn't tell from you talking about it non-stop for the past two days.

Piko: F-Fukase!

Flower: It's completely understandable though. You've been into Kpop for a while now Piko. With all these artists performing I can imagine any Kpop fan would want to come.

Piko: Yeah! Exactly! *checks time* Oh no! It's already so late! We have to get going or we'll miss it!

Fukase: I don't see what the big deal is. I'll go look around a little before I catch up with you guys.

Everyone - Fukase: FUKASE!

Fukase: Fine, fine I'm coming. I'm coming.

[In the middle of the concert]

Fukase: (Hm. I was expecting some cheesy low-quality pop songs but this? This is amazing. The crowd cheering everyone on, the artists singing and dancing onstage, the music blaring from all sides. That shota android really brought us somewhere special. I bet it would be even better if I, or even we, we're the ones standing on that stage.)

Flower: (The music, it's flowing through my body. I can't stop dancing. I don't think I've ever been this hyped, not even when I performed in the Nico Nico concert. Everyone around me looks so hyped as well. I want, to be able to share this feeling with everyone! Not just my friends, but everyone else here. The stage, I want to share my hype from there!)

Len: (This atmosphere is explosive. It's on a much bigger scale than anything I've ever experienced performing with Miku. The performances, everyone up there is so in sync. I wonder, what would it be like to perform like everyone up there? Dancing and singing as one group rather than as a soloist? I bet it would be on another level than performing as a soloist.)

Oliver: (This is incredible! Everyone on the stage has been amazing! It makes me want to sing and dance with them! ....... Maybe I shouldn't quit singing and dancing after all. Maybe I should work to perform in a group like the performers here! Maybe I could even stand on that stage one day!)

Piko: (This has been even better than I expected! Not only has everyone been incredible, but I've also haven't had a panic attack due to the amount of people here! Is this what they mean by music gives people courage? I think so. It makes me want to share some of this courage with the world. All my friends here, they're enjoying it as well. I can't share courage with people using music on my own, I'm too scared. But with everyone else. It could work. Once we get home I'll tell them....

I want to start a Kpop group with everyone!)

Memelords turned- Kpop Idols?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن