♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥

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Diana Muto has always been a solo player. She doesn't like crowds or being particularly close to people other than her brother, which is why during the battle city tournament around the finals we find her late an night on top of the blimp away from everyone else. But this would not last long because a powerful young millionaire had taken a liking to her which is why as soon as he found our where she was Seto Kaiba made his way up to just to find her sitting on the edge of the platform, watching the starts as wind blew lightly, making her hair fly lightly in the night breeze
Kaiba gets a small smile on his lips as he quietly walks over to her so he doesn't scare or desturb her.
Diana: None of this was suppose to be as crazy as it is right now, don't you agree? Or you actually expected everything to go much worse than it seems to be?
Kaiba: i excpected it to go much worse
Diana: If you knew everything would be soo messed up would you do it again?

Kaiba: maybe, i think i would.

Diana: You are an amazing man, you know

Kaiba: Thanks, your amazing yourself.

Diana: I wish I was

Kaiba: what makes you say that? *asks curious and a bit worried*

Diana however just smiles in return before jumping on her feet

Diana: *starts singing* Don't get me wrong
I love who I am
I don't wanna be ungrateful
It probably sounds strange
I really love the role I play
The songs I sing
But with all the fame
The things that seem so simple
Are suddenly so far out of reach
Wish that they could see the underneath
I'm just an ordinary girl!

Sometimes I'm lazy, I get bored
I get scared, I feel ignored
I feel happy, I get silly
I choke on my own words
I make wishes, I have dreams
And I still want to believe
Anything can happen in this world
For an ordinary girl
Like you, like me
For an ordinary girl
Like you, like me

Kaiba eyes widen a little not really having expecting her to start singing out of nowhere

Diana: "How are you?", "Hello", "Good-bye"
One day here, one day there
And again it's time to go
Miss popular always on the road
Put my best foot forward
Gotta get on with the show

Strike a pose for the front cover of a magazine
Everywhere I arrive I get high-fives
They pay me larger than life
I'm just an ordinary girl!

Soon enough Kaiba takes a seat while listening and watching Diana

Diana: Sometimes I'm lazy, I get bored
I get scared, I feel ignored
I feel happy, I get silly
I choke on my own words
I make wishes, I have dreams
And I still want to believe
Anything can happen in this world
For an ordinary girl

So give it everything or nothin' at all
Get back on your feet when you stumble and fall
A little luck can go a long way
So don't you worry 'bout what people say
Who knows where the wind may blow
For an ordinary girl

Kaiba listens closely to the lyrics his expression changing each time

Diana: I'm just an ordinary girl

Sometimes I'm lazy, I get bored
I get scared, I feel ignored
I feel happy, I get silly
I choke on my own words
I make wishes, I have dreams
And I still want to believe
Anything can happen in this world
For an ordinary girl
Like you, like me
For an ordinary girl
Like you, like me
For an ordinary girl
For an ordinary girl
Like me, like you *ends the song before sitting down besides him*

Kaiba: i think i get it now. *says with a small gentle smile on his face*

Diana: Besides everyone know me because of Yugi. However my talents don't get noticed. I'm known for being the duel king's sister

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