♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Valentine ♥♥♥

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Having siblings in a tournament like Battle City to support you is always the best thing that could however to Mai it was even more of joy to not only have her sister by her side but also as a competition that came as a surprise as soon as she walked in the unfinished stadium where the gang was gathered along with the Kaiba brothers

Diana's outfit:

Having siblings in a tournament like Battle City to support you is always the best thing that could however to Mai it was even more of joy to not only have her sister by her side but also as a competition that came as a surprise as soon as she wal...

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Mai squeals and smiles wide upon seeing her
Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, serenity, Duke and Bakura share looks at that

Diana: Hey there nerd squad *blows them a kiss and winks with a massive sparkle in her eyes*

Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, serenity, Duke and Bakura: hi yourself. *the guys get a light blush on their cheeks because of that*

Diana: I am Diana, Mai's younger sister

Tea: nice to meet you, Diana, I'm Tea and these are my friends; Joey, Tristan, Bakura, Duke, Serenity and Yugi.
Yugi, Joey, Tristan, serenity, Duke and Bakura: hey there, nice to meet you.

Diana: It's a pleasure to meet ya all

Roland: Um Mr. Kaiba we seem to have a problem here sir. Our systems say that she make it to the finals but the finalists are 8 and she got in as a 9th

Kaiba: hmm I see, well it doesn't really matter if there are 8 or 9 finalists because it will all end the same anyway.
Mokuba: the pleasure is ours, Diana, I'm Mokuba by the way and that's Seto, my big brother

Diana: Aww. Too bad I was looking forward to have some fun

Mokuba: you can figure something out to make this work right Seto? *asks looking up with a pleading look*
Kaiba: All alright, alright fine. 9 finalist, it is then, I'll figure something out later.
Mokuba: yay, thanks seto.

Diana: It's alright really Mr. Kaiba. You did too much for this tournament already. I don't want to trouble you with doing this for me

Kaiba: *raises his eyebrow a little surprised by her words* didn't you say you were looking forward to having some fun? I'm assuming you wish to participate as a finalist since as mentioned before you qualify

Diana: Yeah but it wouldn't be fair if it was a system error

Kaiba: then don't worry about it, I'll fix the error, your welcome to join.
Joey: did rich boy just seriously say that?
Tristan: i think he did.
Duke: a little surprising isn't it hearing him out of all people say that.
Kaiba just throws them a look before turning his attention back to Diana.

Diana: You sure? Cause I'm looking forward to getting my hands on one of your blue eyes white dragons *says with a giggle and a bright smile*

Yugi and the gang: ooooh *eyes widen that she dared to say that*
Kaiba: *smirks* you'll have to win against me first.

Mai: care-full Kaiba, you better not understatement my sister.

Diana: Would you be mad if I do?

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