♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥

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Shortly after the battle with Noah and everyone unpetrified, Gozaburo Kaiba appeared in the sky and was revealing his plan when Yugi's sister Diana appears on a motorbike with a wide grin on her face as she parks and takes her helmet off. This makes Yugi and the gang sigh in relief while Seto runs up to her, picks her up in his arms and hugs her tightly due to the fact that he was the only person she ever allowed close enough to be called her best friend. Seto in return had a strong bond with her and while she stayed away from everyone else, he pulled her as close as possible to himself. She was everything to him, and despite his strong love for his little brother, Diana was always the number one priority for him.
At that moment, the sky began to thunder with anger before Gozaburo turned to Noah in rage
Gozaburo: Fool. I told you to take care of her. Not to let her in here.
Noah: But Dad, she was the perfect thing we could use against Seto. It's not my fault she turned out to be such a strong fighter.
Gozaburo: Of course she's a fighter. She's a higher intellect and here she's stronger than us. You can't take over her mind.
Noah: How could I guess that? There is no information about her in our system.
Gozaburo: That's why I told you she shouldn't be here. If you let her in, the game ends from the beginning.

meanwhile Yugi and the gang have wide eyes upon hearing that

Diana's eyes then glow brightly and one by one everyone start to wake up in the real world where they break into a run towards the blimp

Tea: what the heck happend back there?
Tristan and Joey: beats me

Kaiba then flies everyone away from the exploding base and restores the course towards the island just to return and find everyone on the ground due to his crazed up flying skills

Joey: seriously rich boy?!
Tristan: do you want to get us killed?!
Kaiba: *scoffs* your still alive be thankfull i even saved you.

Diana in return just rolls her eyes as she gets up and dusts herself off from the dirt

Kaiba: you okay Diana?

Diana: Just fine but next time I'm driving

Kaiba: noted.

Joey: Alright since when are you two so close?
Diana: Since we started to date 2 years ago

the gang's eyes widen upon hearing that.
Yugi: and you're only telling us that now?

Diana: It never same up as a topic

Joey: out of all the guys you pick rich boy?
Kaiba just narrows his eyes at Joey

Diana: He's the only one who doesn't suck at being a man. What did you expect?

Kaiba smirks while Tristan and Joey share looks before looking back at Diana with a "what?" look

Diana just rolls her eyes in return before jumping in Kaiba's arms and covering his face in kisses

Kaiba smiles as he catches her with ease, wrapping is arms around her holding her close and tight while a light blush appear on his cheeks.

Diana: I love you soo much Seto *says before pressing her lips to his and tightening her grip around his shoulders *

Kaiba: i love you more Diana, now until forever. *kisses her right back as he keeps her close and tight againt him*
Joey: are you guys seeing and hearing what i am?
Tristan: seeing and hearing yeah however i'm still working on believing.
Yugi: i'm happy for them *says smiling watching his sister and her boyfriend*
Tea: i agree, as weird as it sounds...they deserve each other.
After that the gang heads off giving the couple some privacy.

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