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It was like any other day for me, wake up, get changed, skip breakfast, walk to school, get beat up, go to lessons, get beat up, go home, cry.

I was in my first lesson of the day, sitting at the back listening to people sniggering insults at me.

"Oi, fag, go kill yourself." Brad said from across the desk, Bradly Welsh was the main bully in this school and I had the honour of being his main target! His little possy would beat me up twice a day or a few more times if they felt like it. Ever toilet cubical had things like 'kill yourself Lester' or 'Lester is an emo fag' I was used to the insults but they would eat me away the point I would just give up!

"Queer stop ignoring us!" Brad through a paper ball at my head, he hit me right on the forehead, it was harder than usual so it must have a rock in the middle, I felt very faint, untill someone walked in.

A/N hey so I have put when I need you the most on hiatus for a while but I will come back to it at some point, but for now I am writing a highschool AU, being in 'highschool' (community collage) I thought it was quite appropriate, I am basing them in year 10 at the beginning of term 3 (after Christmas) seeing as it term 4 IRL ATM! Anyway stay swaggy my little phanberries! Xx ~ Ruth

10:05 ~ Phan Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now