chapter 6

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Me and Kachaan were paired up together, luckily. The other pairs were:

-Mina and Hagakure
-Kirishima and Denki
-Sero and Todoroki
-Yaomomo and Tsuyu
-Ururaka and Tenya
-Satou and Kouda
-Ojiro and Shouji
-Aoyama and Tokoyami

Kachaan was positive we would win, and i agreed. Yaomomos house was huge so there will be tonnes of hiding spots!

"GO HIDE!" Jirou yells and me and kachaan run out of the main room and into the hall.

"So, where to?" Kachaan asks.
"Upstairs." I reply.

We run up the marble stairs and find ourselves in a big hallway. The only rules to hiding were to not go in the rooms with closed doors. If the main door is open you can hide in any of the other rooms attached to that room. For example bathrooms and closets.

We walk into a room that wasnt a room and just led us to a balcony above the grand staircase. We see Sero using his tape to pull Todoroki up onto a crevice in the wall.

"Creative." I mumble.
"Come on, i think i found somewhere." Kachaan says, pulling me out of the not room.

He takes me into a big room that has a large bed in it. The walls were a dark red colour with funky swirl patterns in black. There were used candles on... well basically every surface.

"This room is... romantic?" I say in a questionable tone.
"Yeah but thats not why we are here" kachaan replies, pulling my towards the built in closet.

He opens it up and there is a giant walk in closet, completely empty except for a few boxes. We walk in and kachaan kneels down under a self.

"What are you doing?"
"Just watch"

He places his hand on the wall and pushes, making the walk move.

"Secret door." He says.
"WOAH! how'd you find this?" I ask in amazement.
"Coz im awesome. Duh!" Kachaan replies, i giggle in response.

We crawl through the secret door and it leads us to a tiny room with the ceiling slanting above us.

"This must be the roof" i mumble as i crawl on the wooden fame.
"Careful. If you fall you will go straight through the floor." Kachaan warns. I gulp.

We get to a bigger wooden plank that seems to be put there back when the house was being made.

Its going to be impossible to find us.

I chuckle slightly at the fact we are totally going to win.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they search for us all night." Kachaan says.
"Mhm! Do you have your phone?" I ask.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Lets send a photo of us hiding to the class group chat. They will be so shocked"

Kachaan takes 2 photos. One of what we can see and another of me and him. I peace signed it whilst kachaan stuck his middle finger up whilst smirking.


We sat quietly for 20 minutes, only occasionally speaking. We were 100% sure we were winning this. I mean, who could actually find us?! We were in a room thats not even a room! We are basically in the walls of this gigantic mansion.

So why are we seeing Jirou holding her phone torch at us!?

"Luck." She replies, "and those photos."
"Please, ive been to Yaomomos house plenty of times. I know the inns and outs." Jirou shrugs as she crawls away from the door to let us out.


We were walking down the hall to go back downstairs. Jirou had left to find everyone else.

"tch, i cant believe we got found so early." Kachaan sulks. "Izuku, youve been really quiet. You good?"
"ITS JUST HOW DID WE GET FOUND! IT WAS IN A HIDDEN ROOM IN A CLOSET IN A BIGGER ROOM!? NO FAIR!" i yell, kicking the floor. I hear chuckling from afar. "SERO DONT BE MEAN!"
"THAT WAS TODOROKI!" The voice shouts back.

I stomp to the living room, only to find theres no one else there.

"WHAT!?" Me and kachaan yell at the same time. "HOW WERE WE FOUND FIRST THOUGH?!"


3rd person

"Thank you all for waiting so long, especially you Midoriya and Bakugou." Jirou says as she enters the room with an excited looking Mina and Hagakure following.

Katsuki and Izuku had been sulking on the sofa for over 2 hours, waiting for everyone to be found. It only got worse as more people got found. Especially Sero and Todoroki since they heard Izuku complaining earlier on. Lets just say they got teased a bit.

"So now that I've found everyone, its time for winners vs losers." Jirou explains. "The winners being Minas team and the losers being Midoriyas team."
"WOO GO TEAM MIDORIYA!" Sero and Denki shout.
"SHUT UP ITS MY TEAM!" Katsuki yells back.
"Revelry in the dark"
"Tokoyami, not now. Children, calm down." Yaomomo buts in, making everyone shut up.

"As i was saying before, the losers will have to do anything the winners want for however long the winners say." Jirou speaks.
"Ooo, this is gonna be goooood!" Mina squeals.
"NOPE NOT GOOD AT ALL ACTUALLY!" Katsuki yells, voice cracking in between making Izuku chuckle.
"So team winners, what will you make team losers do?" Jirou asks.

Everyone were impatiently waiting whilst the two girls whispered to each other, giggling away making Izuku and katsuki more nervous.

"GOT IT!" Mina and Hagakure yell, turning around and pointing at the two boys who were shaking in their boots, "YOU TWO HAVE TO LOOK EACH OTHER IN THE EYES AND SAY SOMETHING YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO TELL EACH OTHER! IN FRONT IF US ALL!"

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