Class progressed when we were introduced to our sleep deprived, deadpan teacher. Our lessons were pretty average for high school students until our final hero lesson which every one was eagerly awaiting.

"First hero class: show us what you got."

We went through a series of trials to show our limits and our strengths. I ended up with an average ranking as I still couldn't quite work out how to utilize All Might's quirk without as effectively as possible. The entire time though a certain pair of red eyes remained trained on me. As I packed up my stuff though, I heard someone walking up from behind.

"For god sakes what do you want Ka- All Might! H-hi!" I said, surprised.

"Hello there, young Midoriya. Our quirks are very similar, minus the lightning part of course, remind me of my younger self. I guess what I'm trying to say is you have potential and I want to be your mentor." I couldn't help my genuine grin. This was perfect. The plan was already working out better than expected. I could continue to drain All Might's powers while simultaneously training himself to utilize them better.

"I would be honored! Thank you so much!" I said, excitedly. "You have no idea how much this means to me." No idea at all.

Time Skip

That night as I poured over the information I currently had on my peers at UA I considered why All Might wanted to be my mentor. His explanation of similar quirks binding the two of us together might have sufficed if not for the fact that All Might was likely to have his own ulterior motives for getting close to me. After all, he had something to do with my mother's death. I may have become a villain but it is only for my mother and the family that took me in. I thought back to my first "villainous act". Shigaraki had had a lowly criminal captured and brought in to start testing my quirk.

"Shigaraki- what's going on. Who is this?" I said staring at the man struggling against restraints.

"We have to improve your quirk, somehow, Midoriya. This is the only way." He hissed.

"Let me go! You're villains, right? Maybe I can be of use in some other way!" He pleaded. He looked over to me and scoffed.

"A teenager? I've been kidnapped by a psychopath for a teenager?" He said annoyed.

"Shut up, please." I said to him, struggling to keep my voice even as I was stressed by the situation. "Shigaraki, why didn't you warn me first?"

"Hey kid! Let me go!"

"Be quiet." I said, turning back to Shigaraki. "It's just that-"

"Don't tell me what to do, kid. Let me go!"

"Don't call me, kid." I said, staring at him harshly. Once he seemed to be compliant I turned back to Shigaraki to continue addressing him.

"You must be out of your damn mind if you think I'm going to listen to you. I'm not scared of you, kid." He said defiantly. I whipped around and grabbed his face roughly.

"Now didn't I say to be fucking quiet?" I said in a low growl. "See now you've pissed me off and I have to deal with you." I sent a strong shock of lightning through his body, drawing it out for a few seconds. He let out a blood curdling scream. "Now be quiet while I take your little finger knife quirk off of your hands." I said to him in a sweet, intimidating tone. I concentrated hard and took it. I threw his face out of my hands and watched as he slumped forward. I called the quirk forth and smiled as I saw sharp daggers appear through my knuckles. Shigaraki giggled, delightedly. "Thank you. You've been of use." I said to the criminal, walking out of the room.

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