Still they two didn't tell anything. They were actually trying to get the idea of what Mr. Park was trying to say. Realizing their struggle,  Mr. Park went straight to the point.

- " What I wanna tell that, we are extremely sorry to you.   We aren't acting in order to save out child. What he has done to you two can't be forgiven just in one day. That's why you won't have to forgive him. "

- " Then? Then what do you want from us? "

- " Just... just  give him one chance.  That will be enough. Not only him, give us one chance too. We will try our best to change ourselves as well as he, I hope he will change himself after he got well.  "

Joochan looked at Donghyun who was confused himself not finding whatto answer. He told Joochan to tell his opinion.

Joochan, thinking for a while, said,

- " I think it's not something that we will decide Uncle.  We need out family to discuss about it. "

- " Yes Joochan,  I know that. But for now, can you assure us that you will give us one chance? "

- " That.... I don't know honestly... Rachel has done many harm to us. It's hard for me to forgive him so easily. Though you are not telling me to forgive him, still... I'm sorry Uncle. "

- " I understand what are you meaning Joochan. Donghyun, what about qyou? "

- " I ... I don't know too. "

- " It's okay. We expected your answer will be something like this. Of course,  this is hard for you. I'm sorry. "

- " Let me tell something. "

- " Yes Donghyun,  tell what you want. "

- " I don't know if  Joochan will agree or not. It's my personal opinion. What I want is after getting well, if, Rachel,  himself tell the world the crime that he has done, I will forgive him.  "

Joochan was shocked. Letting the world know about this matter means Rachel's career will be finished. Donghyun wanted this as his punishment.

But he became more shocked hearing Mrs. Park's answer,

- " I think he will. Sooner or later, he have to. Or, through out his life, he will have to live in regret. After he gain consciousness,  I will tell him what you has told. "

- " Thank you auntie. "

- " I'm okay with Donghyun's decision too. Because I'mnot the victim here. If really Rachel do that, then I can forgivehim too. "

- " Thanks Joochan. "

- " Thanks to  you two. I'm sorry again. My wife has already told you many things so I won't repeat. Have a bright and successful future. And spend your time happily. "

- " Thank you uncle. We are going then. "

*End of Flashback *


- " Woah! That was very brave of you, Donghyun. Yes, world should learn what he has done to you! Though he's in bad condition,  he can't be forgiven very easily! "

Will We meet again? - Dongchan [Golden Child] Where stories live. Discover now