Trixy To The Rescue!

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Unknown to everyone, Trixy must've snuck off from Roxy at some point and witnessed the whole thing...

After seeing Tyreen crying over the loss of Troy, the pain became almost unbearable for Trixy, who had been gaining empathy for the young lovers. Something told her that what Roxy wanted for in revenge, was wrong, and shouldn't have had to occur in the first place. She walked over to them.

“What are you-?” Tyreen started asking her why she would come over in the first place, but was cut off and distracted by the fact she came over, and without saying anything, put her claws over Troy's wound. Her claws started with a white glow, but quickly went over to a bright green light. Suddenly, they knew what she was doing.

Moments later, Roxy showed up. “Trixy what are you doing!? STOP!!!” He tried to beg her to stop, knowing what she was doing and not wanting to lose her. He started running up to her, and when he caught up, she started to collapse backwards. Roxy grabbed her.

Knowing how weak she was, he was still trying to search for a sign - anything that can prove she'll be okay, even though he knows there isn't.

“Trix...TRIXY! Please wake up...I can't lose you!!!” He managed to get the words out before sobbing. Feeling the gentle drops of his tears falling onto her, she managed to grab his gentle, non-raged paws gently.

“I... I understand what Dracula did all those years ago...but... it's not fair... taking it out on the ones that had nothing to do with it?” Trixy explained, hoping to carry the message through that head of his.

“I know Trixy but...” Roxy was saying as he started to feel guilt, something he never felt before. He was... ashamed of his actions for once.

“My time here... it's almost up...” Trixy started to explain, knowing her fate.

“ no no no...Trixy, stay with me!” He begged, noticing her quickly fading.

“But before I go...I want you...I want you to promise me...that this make it stop...”

In denial of her dying wish and fate acceptance, Roxy still wasn't ready to let Trixy go. He grew up with her, after all. “Please... please say you won't let go...”

“Please...end the it for...for me...” She begged one last time.

“... Okay...” Roxy finally agreed, but then she took her last breath, followed by her grip loosening. His eyes were so flooded by tears, he couldn't see anything. “ no...Trix...Trixy...” He knew she was gone, but he still gently moved her to such an angle, that he could lean his head on hers. He never felt so much sadness before. And all the others could've done was watch on, making Roxy forget they were there. After a few moments of grief, he heard Troy waking up.

“Troy! Oh you're okay!!!” Tyreen screamed happily, giving Troy a big hug, who was a bit confused on what happened, but returned it anyway. This made Roxy angry.

“You! You get to live while best friend died!?” He yelled, making Troy and Tyreen break up the hug. “If I can't have a happy ending, neither can you!” He lashed out his claws and started running towards them, ready to attack. But an invisible force prevents him from fully reaching them. Confused, he continues to try to run through it, even slashing at it to no avail.

“Roxy...” A voice called out from nowhere, almost echoing. Roxy tried to look around.

“Trix? W-where are you?” He called out, recognizing her voice.

“ said this violence would stop...why are you doing this?” She asked, disappointed in Roxy.

“So they get to live while you didn't!? Or! How about Dracula kicking us out of the hotel, BANNING us for our powers, while this one gets to be a part of their humble family!?” Ranted Roxy, who was enraged and furious.

“But they did have a point. We were destined to be evil, but just like me you can change that! All I need is for you to take my paw and come with me. Please leave them alone.” Trixy pleaded, holding out her paw, waiting for Roxy to grab it. After much hesitation, he puts his claws away and accepts, holding her hand one last time.

“Trixy?” Tyreen started to say. “Thank you, for saving Troy.” Trixy nodded, then white particles started to surround them, even encasing Roxy in a light blue light as they vanish.

“We...we did it?” Ericka said out if the blue, confused on if this was really over.

“Yes, Auntie. We did it.” Tyreen started to explain, then looked up towards the sky. “But we wouldn't have done it without Trixy. Thank you.

And so, they started celebrating before Troy noticed the ring on Tyreen's finger.

“Oh, Ty?”

“Hmm?” She asked. Troy pointed at the ring.

“Should we uh...try that again?” He asked. She chuckled.

“Oh uh, sure! If you really want to!” She said in a happy tone, just glad that her zing is back, alive and well.

“Well then,” He started, grabbing a hold of her left paw. “Would you still like to marry me?”

“Like? I'd love to marry you! YES!” She screamed in excitement. Troy gave the absolute biggest smile she'll never forget, and lifted her up into the air.

“SHE SAID YES!!!” He screamed in absolutely happiness and joy, starting to spin Tyreen around, both of which were giggling at this accomplishment! What could possibly be better than this?

“Guys?” NightWing started to explain, capturing everyone's attention.

“Oh the sun! We better start heading back!” Drac exclaimed.

Everyone agreed, and they started to walk home.

“I am so happy for you two!” Ericka congratulated, making Tyreen and Troy blush.

“Listen guys... I'm so sorry for the way I treated Troy... It was absolutely uncalled for...” Apologized Jasper. Troy and Tyreen smiled at each other.

“Apology accepted bro.” Troy said, not having any hard feelings towards him.

And so...they eventually reached the hotel by morning. And now they were ready to prepare themselves for the next step in life - the wedding...

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