New Threats Ahead

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The shadow watching over them, takes off to go alert another figure...

“Remember that guy that took off last night? I think they are out there trying to find him.” Says the figure that was the one watching the group, revealing to be a female.

“They are fools if they think they can find him. If he left, there's obviously a reason, right?” Said the male, a red and black tiger-wolf hybrid with red eyes and orange hair. “Lets go find him before they do!” The female agreed, and they both gave an evil laugh.


Meanwhile, the group kept walking, searching for him, not knowing they were being followed...

NightWing was flying overhead, seeing if he could see something through the trees, which beared almost no leaves. He spots someone wearing a black robe with a black hood, masking their identity. He decided to alert them by flying back.

“I saw someone, but I couldn't see their face.” He informed them.

“Maybe it's Troy! Come on guys!” Tyreen said in excitement, getting her hopes up. NightWing started leading them to where he saw the figure, Tyreen in the lead of the others. They finally get there.

Tyreen got closer to the figure to try to see if it even was Troy, but her smile quickly turned back around.

“You're not Troy...who are you?” She asked. The figure took off the hood blocking their face.

“My name is Roxy.” He told them.

“And I'm Beatrix.” Said another figure who walked up behind them.

Roxy had a device with a red button behind his back, and presses it, causing NightWing, Jasper, Drac, and Ericka to be trapped in separate nets hanging from sturdy trees.

“And you, are coming with us.” Beatrix said, grabbing Tyreen's arm, as both her and Roxy take off with her. Tyreen was crying for help, but no one was able to do anything, but helplessly watch.

“I...I can't use my powers!” Drac said, which got everyone else to the conclusion that powers would simply not work on these specially made nets. NightWing tried to squeeze his way out, but the holes were too small. Jasper couldn't do much of anything either. So Ericka decided to struggle, catching everyone's attention because realizing she had a knife in her pocket. She pulled it out and started sawing at the net, which was thick so it could take awhile...


“What do you want with me?” Tyreen asked, feeling afraid and confused.

“Honey please, you are trying to chase a guy that left you. It's a lost cause.” Beatrix said.

“But it was my fault! I-” She tried to explain, but got cut off.

“Your fault or not, he still left. And now, wait a minute!” Roxy said as he got an idea.

“Trixy, do it.” He signaled towards her. She used her super speed to tie Tyreen up.

“We are going to get to him first. And if you or your friends try anything,” He started to explain before eyeing a flower nearby, causing him to sink his claws into it, wilting the flower. “You all would get that same treatment. Tah tah.” He said, as they both walked off, leaving Tyreen alone and helpless.

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