"So now you know for sure you're bunch better than her"

"That's now what it was about. But whatever..."

The waiter came to their table and brought the too meals they ordered to share. They ate their food talking about everything and catching up. Then it was time to go home and each went her own way.

Andy came home, she looked around and saw Robert wasn't there, her bedroom door was half open so he might be still asleep. She kicked off her shoes and went up to her bedroom. She saw Robert sitting up on the bed reading a book "this one's good" she said to catch his attention "hey! Didn't hear you coming in. And yeah it's pretty great" he said.

Andy came and sat on the edge of the bed "I thought we can take Maddie to do a picnic in the park after we pick her up" Andy smiled at him "that's sounds great!"

"So I'll go make a bag before we leave so we'll have food and a blanket and everything we need"

"Yeah okay" she nodded while talking and then he stood up and left the room. She watched him walking out and couldn't not to think about what Maya said earlier, does she really wants him to be more than a friend?

Later that day Andy and Robert were in the car on their way to pick Maddie up. Andy sang along with the music on the radio and Robert couldn't stop laughing at her.

He left the cat to get Maddie and Andy stayed there waiting for him. A few minutes later he came back with the four year old. He helped her buckle up before entering the car himself.

"Mommy look I drew you a picture" she handed Andy a piece of paper. Andy looked at it, looked like she was trying to draw her and Robert next to a fire truck "it's you and daddy at work with the red fire truck" the little girl explained "I can see that baby! This is so pretty. How about we put it on the fridge when we get back home?" She turned her head back to see Maddie nodding happily.

"Where are we going?" She asked noticing it wasn't the way home she was used tp "we're going to the park, we brought food for a picnic" Robert said, excitement in his voice.

"Yayyyyy" the girl cheered and both her parents smiled at each other.


The three were sitting on a picnic blanket on the grass. Maddie decided that she's the only one eating the strawberries and that they can eat the other stuff.

"Hey you know. Julie works like five minutes from here maybe I can call her and she can come meet Maddie?" Robert caught Andy off guard and she almost choked on her food.

"You okay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah yeah. That's a great idea call her" she put on a fake smile.

Robert got up and walked away a little, he called Julie and invited her. She said she can take an hour break so she'll come and than he went back to Andy and Maddie.

"Daddy who is Julie?" Maddie asked before eating another strawberry "Julie is my girlfriend. She is really nice and she's coming to meet you" Maddie twitched her face in confusion "what isn't mommy your girlfriend?" She asked innocently.

Andy and Robert looked at each other surprised, what are they supposed to answer?

"We'll mommy and daddy were together a long time ago but now we're just friends" Andy tried to explain awkwardly. "Oh" the girl said and went back to eating.

Julie left the office building where she worked and started walking to the park she looked around searching for Robert and then she sawhorses back, he was taking a selfie of the three of them, his hand around Andy on a side hug. Then Maddie ran around them and jumped into Robert's arms.

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