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The next morning, Tom jumped on top of Jake. He budged his shoulder wildly. "Wake up!" He said.

Jake let out a frustrated groan. "What?" He dragged out. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing that Tom was smiling greatly towards him.

Tom began tugging on his arm, trying to pull him out of bed. "Come on! Get up!" He urged.

Jake yawned. "Fine. I'm up, I'm up." He sat vertically, rubbing his eyes. "Do you need something?"

He laughed. "Yeah, for you to get your lazy American ass out of bed. I have a surprise for you today!" He kissed his cheek.

Jake smiled to himself. "Okay, let me shower first." He kissed his lips.

"Don't take forever."

"I'll try not to." He kissed him one last time before getting out of bed.

He grabbed a folded towel from Tom's closet and made his way into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and turned on the water. He undressed himself as the water heated up, throwing his dirty clothes in the laundry bin that was now dangerously close to overflowing. He placed his hand underneath the water checking the temperature. He pulled back the glass door fully, and stepped into the shower.

The hot water quickly fogged up the glass and bathroom. Jake leaned his head back, letting the water run through his hair and over his face. He grabbed a bar of soap and began lathering his body in the substance. It smelt of coconuts, like a tropical island. He ran his hands up and down his figure, noticing all the hickeys Tom's given him these past few days. He laughed to himself. If one were to go off first impressions, they certainly wouldn't guess that Tom is a sex deviant.

Tom was in the kitchen, trying to make the two breakfast. He settled on sausage with eggs, since that's literally all he could make. He pulled out a pan and cracked four eggs into the skillet. He listened as they sizzled while he got out the sausage packages.

Jake turned off the water, sliding the shower door open. He stepped out and began drying himself off. He started at his feet, inching his way up to his torso. He smirked when he came across yet another hickey on his inner thigh. He continued drying himself and then wrapped the towel around his waist. He opened the bathroom door to go find some appropriate clothes for this mysterious event.

"Baby?" He said. "What do I need to wear?"

Tom came out of the kitchen, grease on his left cheek. "Whatever you want. Nothing too lazy though." He cocked his head to the side when he saw Jake was snickering at him. "What?"

"You have something on your cheek babe." He laughed.

Tom reached up and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. "Did I get it?"

Jake shook his head, still cackling. "Here," he walked towards him, getting super close to his face. He licked the grease up with his tongue. "There." He moved his tongue around in his mouth. "Tastes like, sausage?"

He wiped his cheek, smiling. "Aren't you a smart one?"
Tom pulled into the parking lot. He turned off the engine, and rolled up the windows. "You can open your eyes now."

Jake opened his eyes, his face instantly being filled with joy. "A museum?" He exclaimed. "How cool!"

Tom simpered. He reached over the console, grabbing his hand. "I bought tickets after you helped me last night." He kissed his knuckles. "You do so much for my depressed ass, and I really wanted to make it up to you."

Jake's eyes began watering. He looked up at the car ceiling, trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Are you crying?" Tom worriedly asked.

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