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"Say that again?" Tom asked.

Jake huffed. "The traveling ban has been lifted here." He said slowly. "What part don't you understand?"

Tom made a weird face. He found it odd that the traveling ban was lifted since California has the highest number of Covid-19 cases. "Is it temporary?"

He nodded his head. "The governor wants to see how well we can manage traveling." He laughed. "We'll probably have to go back into quarantine because of it though."

"When did he say this?" Tom asked, still not entirely believing him.

"This morning. Don't you ever check the news anymore?" Jake sat down beside him on the couch.

He shook his head. "Too depressing."

Jake laughed briefly. "Understandable." He laid his head on Tom's lap. Tom ran his fingers through his hair as he flicked through T.V. channels. "So I was thinking."

"Mhm?" Tom hummed. He finally landed on Euphoria, a show Z's in.

"Since the travel ban is lifted for now, how about we continue to quarantine in London?"

Tom looked down at him. He smiled. "Have you ever been to my flat?"

Jake shook his head. "Only your apartment here in L.A."

He grinned. "Guess there's a first time for everything." He chuckled. "When would we leave?"

Jake sat up. He checked his phone for flight tickets and the earliest one they could catch. "Well," he started, "we could pack tonight, leave by 5 a.m., and then arrive by Monday night."

Since today was Sunday, that only gave them one day to get their shit together. Tom looked down, like he was debating something in his head. His eyes were focused on the floor and his forehead had thinking lines.

He finally looked at Jake. "So we start packing now?"

Jake smiled and nodded his head.

They began packing. Traveling bags and suitcases were strewn everywhere. Mismatched socks and stray briefs lay on their bedroom floor. And shirts, ties, and pants were thrown all around. It seemed anytime they packed together, the place always turned into a horrendous mess.

"Why are you bringing so many suits babe?" Tom asked watching as Jake was trying to decide between a black suit and a dark blue suit. "We're not going anywhere important."

Jake shrugged. "Just in case. You never know."

Tom rolled his eyes. He started picking out which shoes he wanted to bring. Not that there was much to choose from. He only had five pair here. All his other shoes were at his flat in the U.K. His converses and his air forces were the ones he chose, since they matched with everything.

He zipped up his luggage bag, sitting it by the door. He didn't pack that much clothing since his place has more anyways. He turned to Jake who was folding all of his pants neatly.

"Babe, did you get your oils?"

Tom shook his head. "No, I forgot."

Jake laughed. "Then you should probably go get them."

He watched as Tom walked out of the bedroom. Once he was gone, Jake opened the bottom drawer to their nightstand. He pulled out the small gift bag that he'd bought on Tom's birthday. He promptly stuck it in his bag before zipping it up. He sat his luggage beside Tom's at the door.

Tom came back in holding his oils in his hand. He placed them on the side of his suitcase. He stood up and rested his hands on his hips. He looked at his watch, embedded in diamonds. "It's only five-thirty," he breathed out, "too early to go to sleep yet."

"Do you wanna finish watching Euphoria?" Jake asked. "Looks interesting."

"You're only saying that because it shows tits." Tom laughed.

"Am not." He blushed, hitting him in the chest.

They snuggled up on the couch together. Tom on Jake's chest, with his arm stretched over his waist. Their legs crossed over each other as they indulged in their T.V. show. One thing about Euphoria is that it's very good at making any person uncomfortable. Especially during the sex scenes.

Tom's face heated up. He pressed his cheek into Jake's body, hoping it would relieve some of the embarrassment.

"I don't understand how people have sex like that." Jake said. "In all my history of hookups, I have never done that." He laughed.

Tom looked at him, slightly jealous. "Closest thing you've done to it?" He hated himself for asking that question, knowing the answer would just piss him off. But his curiosity often gets the best of him.

"Uh, probably this one dude. Super horny, around your age, called me daddy once. And he also wanted me to spit on him." He chuckled awkwardly, remembering the strange encounter. "Not one of my best moments."

Tom made a strange face. Hearing Jake's sex stories infuriated him. Maybe if he had his own stories to tell he wouldn't be so envious. He moved himself off Jake's chest, sitting up straight.

Jake looked at him and smirked. He pulled him into his chest again, wrapping his arms around his waist. "You're my favorite person to fuck though." He kissed him on the cheek.

Tom smiled softly. He was still pissed, but decided to let it go. "I better be." He turned his head and kissed his lips.

They fell back onto the couch, making out wistfully. Euphoria continued to play in the background as they embraced each other's company.

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