Chapter Five

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I was absolutely buzzing. If it was from the alcohol, the fresh air or the fact I was now in the passenger seat of a very attractive boys car, I wasn’t sure and frankly I didn’t care. The city lights sped past, illuminating his face every so often. I watched the muscles in his arm flex and release every time he switched gears. My eyes traveled up his arm to examine his profile. His jaw was firm and defined giving way to a full set of lips that seem to be set in an effortless pout. His nose was perfectly proportioned to the rest of his face. I watch as his lips pulled up into a smile, revealing a dimple that I resisted the urge to lean over and kiss.

“You could take a picture, you know. I wouldn’t mind.”  He said, glancing over to meet my gaze. I whipped my head forward to hide my blush. “Sorry.” I mumbled. “Don’t be.” He replied. “If I weren’t driving, I would be taking you in as much as I could.” “That’s what she said.” Instantly my hands clapped over my mouth. It was silent for a beat before I heard a bellow of laughter. “Holy Shit. AHAHAHAHAH Did you really just? HAHAHAHA” I felt myself start to laugh too, his was too contagious. Once we calmed down, I chanced a glance at him. “What am I gonna do with you, Ainsley?” He stared at me with his eyes glowing from the laughter. “I don’t know” I challenged. “What ARE you going to do with me?” When had I gotten so brazen? “That depends, where do you want to go? Do you want to go home or spend a bit more time with me?” This was an easy one. “You. Absolutely.”

“Good choice” He says, smirking. He could drag me to hell in a hand bag and I would give him the same answer every time if he kept looking at me like that. We sat quietly listening to the faint music as he drove. 

“So, what brings you to Paris?” His voice pulling me from the trance I had slipped into. “Summer vacation. The two girls I’m with dragged me to Europe for the summer. We’re in London now, but decided to take a weekend trip here.” I stated. 

“I see. Where in America are you from?”  

“Originally? Ohio, but I’m in New York finishing up school.” 

“What are you studying?” 

“Business Management.” Small talk was never my forte, so again we fell into silence. 

“I grew up about three hours outside of London, since you asked” He said, giving me a wink.

“Sorry.” I said sheepishly, my blush returning. “Are you, uh, in school?” I really was terrible at this. “I took the year off, thinking about going back in the fall. We’ll see.” He replied nonchalantly. I didn’t have time to reply as the car pulled to a stop. Pulling the keys out of the ignition, Harry stepped out. I stayed in the car a moment longer, steeling myself before getting out. When I took a look around me, I realized we weren’t where I had expected us to be. I assumed he would have brought me back to his flat but instead we were parked on an overlook high above the city. The view was breath taking. I could see the lights of the city spread before me and the sky like a push-pin paper above me. Light peaking through from all directions, it felt magical. 

When I looked over at Harry he was sitting on the roof of his car, hands sprawled out behind him while he looked up. Feeling my gaze on him he turned towards me and jerked his head to the side, indicating I come sit next to him. I climbed up the hood of his car and came to a rest next to him. I leaned my head back as I felt the soft breeze of the evening flow around me. The alcohol was gone from my system, but there was still a buzz running through me as the air seemed to crackle between us. 

Harry’s POV-

I couldn’t tell you why I had brought Ainsley here. This was a spot I turned to when I needed to be alone. But taking her back to my place just didn’t feel right. That was the standard; find her, fuck her, forget her. It sounds harsh but they all know what they’re getting themselves into. This girl was different. I couldn’t quite place my finger on it, but once I had felt her touch I was lost. Once I kissed her I knew there was absolutely no turning back. No matter what I would do from now on, it would involve her. The thought fucking terrified me. It had to have been the alcohol and the closeness of the club. This sort of thing doesn’t just happen. Especially not to people like me. 

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